16 August

Sarah’s Plea For Friday: The Most Popular Pasta, $7.47, And One Of The Most Popular Meal Flavorings, $1.42. Baby Days For The Weekend, Diapers And Wipes

by Jon Katz

This is another chance to make many of the Cambridge Food Pantry’s patrons happy for pennies.

Sarah tells me that Velveeta shells and cheese disappear  faster than any other pasta and are very difficult for the pantry to get from the food bank (they can only offer what the bank sends them.)

Turkey stuffing mix is one of  the most requested foods for one of the healthiest dinners. It’s also pretty damn cheap.

Today, both items are on the list of urgently needed items.

The turkey stuffing is especially popular now that cooler weather is coming, so it’s suitable for a hearty meal this fall. I am learning a great deal about food, hunger, and choices. Sarah is educating me.

Velvette Shells And Cheese, Original Shell Pasta & Cheese, Saude Meal (3ct Pack, 12 Oz Boxes), $7.47.

Amazon Fresh, Stuffing Mix Turkey Flavor, 6 Oz, $1.42

Note: You can visit and order from the Cambridge Food Pantry Amazon Wish List anytime, day or night, seven days a week. You can choose what you wish to donate and when and for how much money. You control all of it; there are no middle-man fees or administrative charges.

There are now 12 items listed on the wish list we use. Sarah updates them several times a day. Everything on the list is something the pantry is out of running out of or can’t get. Every donation matters; it lifts morale, offers sorely missed food, and is as inexpensive as we can muster. Thanks so much for supporting it.

P.S. Our weekend food is for Baby Support, diapers, and wet wipes. Both are on the Wish List now if anyone wants to get a jump on the weekend. I start or end every day by buying one item for the food pantry. I wake up feeling good and so right to sleep. Both items are on the wish list here. Remember to click the green button at the bottom of every blog post here.




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