15 August

Bedlam Morning, Thursday, August 15, 2004. Zip’s Glower, Hay Wagon, Wildflower Bouquet

by Jon Katz

This morning, there were role reversals. I was driving Maria to see her doctor in Saratoga about an ear infection she’d had for most of the summer. Usually, I’m the one who gets driven. We take good care of one another. I hope to be back early this afternoon.



An Amish son hays the field across from the farm. I always appreciate seeing this.

Wildflower bouquet

Searching for wildflowers.



  1. Never saw a look like that on Zip!
    Hope Maria is feeling better.
    Yes, now your turn to take care of her!

  2. I’m not sure if you know that you have purple loosestrife on your property. It is invasive. I hope it doesn’t destroy some of your grazing fields. It is a big problem everywhere here in New Hampshire. We had a speaker at our local library recently talking about different invasives.

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