13 August

Video By Maria: Rescued Snow Tree Cricket, Drying Off

by Jon Katz

Every morning, when Maria goes out to the pasture, she looks in the water bucket and often finds an insect of one kind caught in the water, unable to fly or climb out. She lifts them out carefully with one finger and then watches them dry themselves off.

She got what I thought was a remarkable video of a Tree Cricket almost drowned who stays calmly in her palm while he cleans himself off. Nature is so impressive if you can see it the way Maria does.  We often rush right past it, our loss. I’m working on it. I loved the video and was keen to share it.

I had never imagined the idea of insect rescue, but Maria saved hundreds of them in the water tank.


  1. wonderful video! I thought of Maria today when I *re-located* 3 daddy longlegs spiders from inside the house…..to outdoors. Every animal deserves the best!
    Susan M

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