13 August

Flower Art, Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Love And Light. Roses And Gladiolas Together.

by Jon Katz

If you take a flower in your hand and look at it, it’s your world for a moment.” – Georgia O’Keeffe.

I’ll see you in the morning after my Zoom meeting with blog readers and friends. I won’t miss it. Tomorrow is a work day. I’ve got a lot to do.  I’m all set for the eye surgery. My primary care doctor gave me clearance.

They are always extra careful when dealing with people who have diabetes and heart disease. They said I was in excellent shape.

I took a blood test this morning but didn’t anticipate any trouble.

I have cataract surgery next week. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning. Thanks for all of your kind words and messages.







  1. Like you, I am having cataract surgery but at the end of the month. And like you, I turned 77 but in July. I hope your surgery goes smoothly especially since you have some health concerns. Sounds like your tests have confirmed that this surgery should be well tolerated. As a photographer, I am sure you will be pleased with the clarity and colors you will be able to see after surgery. As a quilter, that is what I am looking forward to happening. Love that Maria saves bugs and such from the animals’ water trough. I used to do that also and now just from the dog’s water bowl. I hate it if I haven’t gotten there in time. Can’t wait to see your flower photos with clearer, better eyes.

    1. Thanks, Karen. I’ve learned that everyone who is 77 has some health issues; that’s just a part of life. I am sure it will be fine and help me see colors better; I love your own experience with bugs, and I appreciate your empathy and your message.

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