12 August

Beautiful Morning At Bedlam Farm, Monday, August 12, 2024. Zip, Spider Webs, Apples From The Trees

by Jon Katz

It’s a relief to know it won’t be brutally hot every day this winter. Some days, it doesn’t even rain. We’re having a beautiful weather streak, and we appreciate it.


The mist on our mountain was beautiful.

Maria and Zinnia went out hunting for spiderwebs. They found a bunch.

They were grazing right after sunrise.



We picked apples for the sheep and donkeys who couldn’t reach them.

We burned Zip’s wooden fortress over the weekend. We are building another won for him so he can stare at Alvin.


Zip posing for his calendar shot (there will not be a Zip calendar; I’m not in that business.


    1. Calendars don’t sell, and I”‘m not in the card and calendar business. They are very expensive to create, and very few people actually buy them. The calendar business is different from the writing and photograph business. Thanks for the thought though.

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