9 August

News From The Art Room, No. 15, By Sue Silverstein. “I Do Not Rest Well..”(No Kidding)

by Jon Katz

Sue’s column appears on the blog every Friday. We are very fortunate to have her here, and thanks for supporting her program. In a few weeks, we’ll be posting an Amazon Arts Wish List for Sue and her art program. Your donations to her make her work possible.  Jon

News from the Art Room 15-Summer Edition 12

Sometimes I go to the local shopping center for quick errands and spend a few hours talking to former students. I tease them sometimes when they are in my classes. I say, someday you will be the soccer parent with the minivan, and I willsmile. Students become family. Most teachers will tell you the same. It has been a strange summer for me, and I have been dealing with some health issues. I do not rest well. Ask my family; I drive them crazy. I like to be invincible. Your letters, emails, and donations have been a shining light this summer. Thank you so much. I am excited to start a new year.

After graduation, I give the kids my contact information. I know that the next two weeks are the time they will use it. The excitement, the joy, the absolute panic begin to set in. Most kids are just a week or two away from the next massive thing. You have supported them in so many ways. You fed them when they were hungry, sent materials to support and challenge their creativity, and sent warm clothing when they were cold. You have supported them, loved them and been a part of their success. I thought that before they go, it would be a fun time to wish them well from all of you. Their great big, loving, and supportive Army of Good family.

There are many who did not know she could. She is one of the most naturally talented kids I have taught. When special paints arrived in a donation box, I would often put some aside for her.

Mia, my all-around creative genius who can create a lovely jellyfish from donated fabric, trims, and cardboard.

Julia, who learned to sew on donated machines and materials. Making her own pajamas was something she did not know would be so amazing.

Kah-reem, turning old and discarded furniture into a wonderful new piece for his room.

Liz and Jordan, who knew they could make a scarecrow with donated clothing, wood, and papier-mâché?

Hser Nay, Killian, Mu Naw, and Jordan. Not only did they not know they could recreate furniture, but they did not know it would be so much fun and end up in the school fundraising event bringing in a nice amount in the silent auction.

Gio found out he could take amazing photos and has his own Instagram now to show them off.

Jasai sold a painting; he is still smiling about it!

They are all off to college soon. Thank you all for the support, generosity and love you have shown them. You all make a difference in the lives of so many kids.

As we get closer to being back in business full time, I am still seeking donations of everything you feel could be turned into art! Wire , gauze, plaster, shutters, glassware, paint, canvas, printing materials, maps, stamps, sandpaper, wood scraps and all the other amazing things you can think of would be so helpful.

An incredibly special Happy Birthday to Jon this week. He is truly our angel, and we love him dearly.

I love hearing from you. My email is [email protected] 

Have a blessed day!



2600 Albany Street

Schenectady, New York 12304


  1. How exciting to read your blog! Bless you as you bring light to the hearts and eyes of these children.

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