“I’m Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired....” — Fannie Lou Hamer
I was surprised to learn that choosing Tim Walz, Kamala Marris’s most exciting and surprising running mate, was so uncertain. I call him the Velvet Shiv.
To the media, it’s all a football game; it must always be dramatic and close.
Governor Josh Shapiro was too ambitious and outspoken to make a loyal number two; Mark Kelly was impressive but boring, soft-spoken, and polite, and none of them was a Midwestern teacher, coach, soldier, and daddy with a shiv in his back pocket, ready to be shipped out.
And a passion for progressive politics. He is the only known candidate in the Democratic Party or, now that I think of it, in the country.
He had the pundits running around in circles like field mice running from a Barn Cat. No one anticipated him.
He set himself up like a master Ringmaster, gentle and warm, and then, when everyone was smiling, he took out the shiv.
I knew nothing about him, but I was in love the minute he said it was Donald Trump and his follower’s time to “Mind Your Own Business,” my slogan since I had agreed to post messages on social media. Nobody seemed to notice, but the candidate and the party screaming for less government have brought the government into our sex lives, reading choices, right to criticism, marital options, marriage choices, and health care decisions for our wives, sisters, and children.
Last night, Governor Walz reminded us of what Joe Biden needed more energy or will to do.
As a result, Donald Trump ran amuck and essentially unchallenged for a decade, getting more robust, more prosperous, more powerful, and, yes, hateful all the time. This man knows how to leverage fame and controversy into money. He is the Christ Child of the Billionaire Class and Evangelical extremists; the holy savior came to save them from the dread of radical liberals.
But one thing he has never done is keep himself together in the face of strong and intelligent women holding him right in the bulls-eye and coming after him. That’s pretty exciting.
Whatever happens, Tim Walz did us further service by finally calling him out for it and getting the message through. I’m with him; I can’t wait for his debate with JD Vance.
Unlike Hillary Clinton or President Biden, the Governor seems to lust for fighting with a grin.
Kamala Harris immediately let him off his leash and kept her title as the candidate of Joy, clapping and beaming in the background. She can’t be bothered.
His Midwestern Schmalz was not only timely but even seemed authentic.
To my knowledge, Tim Walz was the first powerful Democrat to do what his football players called the Walz fake; he set us up with his warm and cuddly love of kids and football and then, without blinking, stuck it right uup Donald Trump’s ass and then Vance’s. If you weren’t listening, you could have missed it.
If you were, you could never have missed it.
Yes, Governor, they are weird. Strange but true.
The reality of Trump and his movement finally got through to the masses, the first significant crack in the wall if you pay attention to social media; Walz has given his party the very political gift of speaking American and in plain English behind a wall of ol’ Midwestern charm and goo (the contrast between sudden and aggrieved Yale populist JD and his best-selling book and Governor Tim working his but off on his family’s Nebraska farm was priceless).
I need to say I liked Vance’s book; his next bestseller will be how he and Trump took a mighty beating in this campaign and were victimized by crazed Markists who were subhuman. He proves that you can have children and still be a sociopath. People like Vance never really lose.
They find new enemies to hate. He will have to do a lot better than woman and their cats.
Walz is not as old and sweet as he looks; he’s about the same age as his boss. Nor is he as lovely.
But he looks like Santa waiting to bring gifts to all the children and young football players of America. Politics is unpredictable, and we are all in for a yo-yo and ugly down-to-the-wire storm.
They’ve got my attention, though. If they can paint Governor Tim as a Lenin-in-hiding, they will have learned to make a miracle. Trump knows it, too.
Even his lies have lies. Once the bubble bursts, the air keeps on deflating it. The Trump era is coming slowly, loudly, and painfully to its end.
Jon, Thank you for your perspective on the US politics. What happens in the US affects Canada. As soon as Tim Waltz’s name came up as Kamala Harris’s running mate, all the bad stuff got dug up. Trump and Vance insulting remarks, it’s like it’s not possible to say anything nice about someone in politics these days. And Trump insinuating that our Canadian Prime Minister is the son of Fiedel Castro and not Pierre Trudeau. Why is Trump taking a shot at Canada’s Prime Minister, has he run out of people to slander. And why does Trump do this. To make himself look good compared to who he’s constantly critical of…I just don’t understand the rules of the game of politics now. Find out all the horrible stuff you can or make it up. Thanks again, for something nice to read instead of the sordid mess in the media.
Sandy Proudfoot, Canada
Oh, actually many of us noticed the paradox of the party who was deemed to be for small government pushing government into our private lives. We saw it, but felt helpless. Now we have a voice!
VP elect Walz was inspired by MN Senator Paul Wellstone. A very long time ago. PW was a true progressive. Unions, Women, Underserved, Children, Health care, Farmers……Wellstone connected with all. A remarkable man.
Walz is neither gooey or phoney. He is very much a humble common man. Very savvy. Very smart. He and Harris make a great team. For the first time in years, I’m excited and curious to see where all the political stuff goes.
YES!!! So looking forward to some new debates!
The Trump nightmare may soon be over. How? By doing exactly what Tim Walz suggests, “Shrink Trump!” Stop letting him claim all the air in the room.
Thank you, Jon, for this excellent essay. You ought to be paid for writing this. It is far better than nearly anything I have read or heard from the western press who actually get paid for the shlock they write.
At first I was disappointed that Mike Kelly wasn’t chosen. But now I am very satisfied with Kamala’s pick. He seems to be just what the Dems and America need right now. Let’s hope that after the election Trump just fades away and we don’t have to hear any more from him. He has interrupted every day of my life for almost 8 years now and I can’t take it any more.
This Canadian thanks you for you astute perspective on this hot topic. You are right on the money!
I want to spend Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas dinner with the Walz’ family.