7 August

Baby Swallows Starting To Fly

by Jon Katz

The new baby swallows have started to fly and explore the barn. I love how they sit on poles like judges and observe the world together. They still sleep in the next and get fed by mom and dad. We love having barn sparrows in the barn; it’s like having a Barn Cat. Life as it is meant to be.


  1. I know that you don’t like being corrected but, as a birder and a follower of your blog, I must comment that the birds you photographed are barn swallows, not sparrows!
    I enjoy your blog especially the flower photos and your occasional venture into the political world.

    1. Thanks, Bruce; I’m corrected all the time; I’ll live. I don’t care what the birds are called; I can’t keep track of all the birds, flowers, and animals on the farm, but I’ll fix it. Thanks. It’s exciting: some people can’t resist correcting mistakes, and others never do it. I was raised to think correcting strangers is rude, but that’s too narrow and outdated a point of view sometimes for our times, depending on how it’s made. I fell in love with Governor Walz when he evoked the American tradition of “Minding your own damn business,” that was enough for me. But I’m viewing things differently as I grow older. I’m sure you meant well, Bruce; thanks for caring and your kind words.

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