31 July

Bottom Line. Calculated Racism. Why Did Donald Trump Question Kamala Harris’s Black Identity? He Knew Exactly What He Was Doing

by Jon Katz

Donald Trump shocked the journalism and political world yesterday by challenging Kamala Harris’s  Black Identity.

Trump also got himself back into the headlines yesterday—he’s been trying all week. He baited the confused and frustrated black journalists who interviewed him in Chicago and complained about how badly treated, rude, and unfair the reporters were by daring to question him and tell the truth. “How about, hi, how are you?” he complained.

What were they thinking? They tried, for sure. They didn’t have a chance.

Here he was, being shocking, cruel, and outrageous once more, the beloved Cult Leader and Dark Kingdom King that he is.

There is more money in the bank tonight and lots more publicity than money could buy. Only his opponents will be upset by what he said. His followers are overjoyed again; look on X or the far-right websites.

Trump is telling the truth – women, people of color, and those radical liberal and compassionate people are threatening to destroy the homeland.

He is the one who will stop them. Remember, if you vote for him now,  you will never do it again. Trump shows us that racism can be Calculated as well as practiced.

And just what is his problem with women? They work too much.

They need to have more white babies right away to avoid being sociopaths.

Donald Trump’s smear of Harris not only shocked the journalism and political worlds last night, but they included the ugliest insults any candidate for the White House has ever thrown at another.

He won’t lose a single one of the faithful for that. It’s just what they want to see. It’s just what he wanted to do.

This is not anything new for Donald Trump; it’s standard practice.

Do whatever is necessary to be the big story, the most outrageous, the most “honest,” the most outrageous,  and inspire the White Nationalists and Christian Evangelicals into loving him all the more for taking on, dismissing, and peeing on the elitists, professionals,  progressives, and numerous political enemies who would defy him.

There is no danger in him ever speaking up against the elites and DEI people who are threatening the purity, white power, and political control of the country. He has made all of us the enemy.

I felt badly for those journalists in Chicago.  Trump never seems to run out of people who want to give him yet another chance to offend or to “explain” himself.

Why don’t we know this? One reason is that the deep thinkers who were once an essential element of journalism have all gone to think tanks, academia, or corporations.

Many have moved to Europe and are still welcome there, but the corporations have no use for them now. Thinking is not a money maker; it is just fires, murders, and arguments.

To the corporate media, this story is just another Super Bowl, drawing vast numbers of viewers and bringing massive amounts of money.  Who’s ahead today? Who will be ahead tomorrow? Be warned and warned!

Any one of those deep thinkers would have recognized the trap Trump sets by agreeing to talk to people he knows he will crap on and who will give him a chance to prove his courage and defiance before the “others”  take over the world.

It makes perfect sense that he would go out of his way to go to Chicago for the sole purpose of insulting black Americans and journalists and sending yet another secret signal to the Charlottesville marchers. How are you doing?

The people who call themselves Democrats and progressives are all clucking their heads tonight, wondering,  like the media, just what Trump thought when he suggested that his opponent in the competition for the presidency isn’t black at all and only recently pretended she was.  What a mistake, they are saying.

She was always Indian, he said, without a pause.

Everyone, probably even Trump, knows she has always identified as a black woman and graduated from Howard University, America’s most famous black university.   Trump is unhinged by Kamala Harris, but I don’t believe for one second he didn’t think or know she is black. He also knew the accusation would be big news all over the world.

You don’t have to be a media expert to see a calculated and pre-mediated twist and turn for the master of free publicity.

And he may or may not be a racist deep in his heart – how could I know? But this move is Calculated Racism,  not a slip of the tongue.

What could have made JD Vance and his fellow secret ideologists happier than their leader being picked on and dissed by some black journalists who won’t bow and scrape to him? As Trump suggested, they didn’t know their place.

The goals of Trump and many of his followers are becoming apparent, especially as he gets more and more rattled by a strong woman seemingly eager to come after him.

Trump and his party, at least those who are free to speak out, are focusing on revealing their actual goals, a movement that is increasingly serious about halting the essential elements of the New America – powerful women, horses of immigrants once again, liberal and progressive elites that talk so much about freedom when Trump’s goals are ever more evident – take it away when it threatens the purity of the white male nation. Have more babies. Think of the Fatherland.

As Kamala Harris seems to know, whatever else Trump is pitching is not freedom. So far, she’s laughing at him. This afternoon, another effort to ridicule, belittle, and dismiss a powerful black woman. I’m curious to see what she does.

Trump is many things, but he is no fool when exposing himself to what anyone else would consider dangerous.

He blew off question after question, dismissed his questioners as rude, impolite, and stupid, lied and lied, talked over his questioners,  and made all these delighted medieval nationalists happy and reaching for their donation apps and red caps right away.

The idea is not to be shocked—there is no reason to be. The idea is to understand and think about what this man and his movement want to do and how people might best respond. This year, voting is a good idea.

They tell us what they want to do every day. JD Vance is his dark philosopher, now a much sought-after speaker on the nationalist front. He also knows what he is doing.

Only progressives in denial will cheer what Trump did tonight as helpful to Kamala Harris.

Once she became the Democratic Candidate, a black woman with power and promise, there was no chance of Trump keeping those black votes creeping his way. I might as well trash her and now, all of them. He’s losing nothing for saying what he did; those votes were gone the minute Harris was chosen to replace Joe Biden.

Trump said them a signal too: Get lost, I don’t care if you go or stay. Questioning a black person’s blackness  – a blatant lie – is not something any sane politician would do if he were hoping they would vote for him. For him, it’s a message. That’s not who we care about.

Trump came onto the black journalist’s stage swinging, and he got just the fight he wanted. A victim again, a warrior always.

I think I know what the black journalists were thinking.

They have always invited presidential candidates to their annual gathering; he was just another one in the line.

I’d love to know how they feel tonight and what they think they have accomplished, but I can’t see it.


  1. This won’t shake Kamala one bit. She will just keeping moving forward on her case to prosecute the perpetrator. That’s why the Democratic Party put her in position four years ago. While he’s spitting vile, she’s building her case.

  2. I wonder if Trump made a slip when he said that immigrants would be taking the “black jobs”. The interviewer called him on it and asked what he meant by black jobs. He backtracked and said “ all jobs.” Hmmm. Frankly, I don’t care what race Kamala Harris is as long as she does a good job if elected President. I can’t be the only one who feels that way.

  3. What I find more alarming is that reportedly people have been placed in key areas of the country who will be able to refuse to certify the election. I’m afraid there will be a debacle come November. One wants to prepare but how, when we can’t predict how it will play out. It’s hard to believe we are is such a situation in this country.

  4. After reading your blog, I now feel Trump wasn’t addressing a black audience he was addressing his base. Jon, this blog was extremely insightful. Trump knows Vice President Harris has always identified herself as black. He just was trying to rattle her cage. I don’t think she rattles easily. What is a black person’s job anyway: teacher, religious leader, attorney, physician, nurse, sports hero, writer, actor, singer, musician, talk show host, weather reporter, successful business person, accountant, president of the United States, or the women math geniuses that worked for NASA and helped put Americans on the moon. Yes some blacks work in food service and in domestic service but so do whites. The gal who hands me my hamburger at fast food restaurants is often white, sometimes Asian, sometimes black, sometimes Hispanic. I haven’t had a purple alien hand me my food as yet! But many believe they are among us.

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