In Brooklyn, the kids don’t just lie around online, they take classes of all kinds. Robin is in acting class, painting class, violin class and summer camp. I got a lovely barage of pictures yesterday, thanks Emma.
(Above, Robin is on the far right in a production of the play “Rockstar,” an original script written by her theater camp counselors. I think I would need help to handle the new Brooklyn.)
Art classes, a still life from Robin.
Robin gets a medal on the last day of summer camp for being the “most outgoing” camper. I think she got to eat the medal. Emma is not sure how she ended up with this kid. Emma and I were similar in one way: we were not outgoing.
I went to a three-day summer camp, wet my bed, and was sent home. Emma did better; she went to a beautiful camp in Vermont, where she was very supportive and liked it. But outgoing? I don’t think so.
I hope I get to see Robin in her new house. I bet she’s got a lot to say.
I know what you mean. My 7 year old Queens granddaughter went to ballet camp ( she loves it,) gymnastics camp, and next week dance camp (non ballet.) Can’t believe how focused she is. She didn’t get it from me!
I’ve really enjoyed the progression of Robin’s artwork over the years. She’s got her own style and I love what she does.
I am a new member. Saw your blog on my internet search and I love the photos.
I am happy to report that I sent some dressing and potatoes to the food pantry and was over joyed to note that i could see that they had arrived due to your pictures showing.
I will be posting from time to time.
Welcome Teresa
She is cute as a button and spunky!
I love her artwork, and watercolor is not easy.