29 July

Flower Art, The Dance Of The Hibiscus Annual, (And Others), Like The Gladiola

by Jon Katz

I had an exciting flower photography day; I got a beautiful annual flower, a cousin in the Hibiscus family, only leaves, annuals, not perennials. I have rarely seen leaves like these, and I was eager to photograph them. They have great character.

I’m curious to see how they behave in an intense light, as we had none today.

Yesterday, Maria bought a Gladiola at the farmer’s market, and I took a few pictures before it got dark. They are especially beautiful. I’m signing off for tonight.  I got to see a podiatrist in the morning for a routine check-up. I’ll be home the rest of the day. Keep smiling and laughing; life is grim without it.










  1. Just a note about the Red Hibiscus, it spreads rather ‘QUICKLY in FL.Hibiscus acetosella, the cranberry hibiscus or African rosemallow, is a flowering plant of the family Malvaceae. The epithet acetosella is of Latin origin and is a diminutive of the Latin name for sorrel which comes from the sour taste experienced when eating the young leaves of both plants. Hibiscus acetosella is also known colloquially as false roselle, maroon mallow, red leaved hibiscus, and red shield hibiscus.

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