28 July

Zip And Alvin, The Staredown Continues. Chipmunk, 3, Cat 0

by Jon Katz

I named the chipmunk Alvin, he is the wiliest and defiant chipmunk Zip has yet faced. Zip and I were sitting on the chair out back when Zip’s tail started to flick and he froze. I looked up and saw Alvin (I named him the other day) popping up out of the chipmunk hole and staring calmly and somewhat bravely at Zip.

Thanks to the Sigma lens I bought for bird pictures, I can get close now to all kinds of things.

Zip hopped off of the chair he and I were sharing and started moving slowly and very quietly towards Alvin. They were looking straight at one another. My policy is to throw something on the ground to warm the chipmunk and give them time to flee, I don’t like watching Zip torture and play with a small animal.

Alvin does not need protection. He has escaped Zip a half dozen times. I think it’s getting personal between the two of them.

Alvin loves to sit on the rocks (he has an escape hole just behind where he is sitting and another in front) and just stare at Zip. Needless to say, this gets Zip, who sees himself as King of the farm, aroused and crazy. Zip stares back for as long as he can bear it, then loses it and charges, giving Alvin plenty of warning and time to disappear.


Zip was too late, he stuck his nose in the hole that Alvin uses to reach the chipmunk tunnels below and where they store apples and berries for the winter. Zip will keep trying, of course, my money is now on Alvin. I love Zip, but I’m not rooting for him when it comes to killing moles, mice or chipmunks.

Generally, I don’t interfere, most animals hunt to eat, I think cats have some other motives. I know it’s in their genes, but they do sometimes look like it’s fun. Alvin is beginning to impress me.


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