28 July

The Bottom Line, Politics. Come And See Just How Dumb Vice President Harris Is. It’s Not Your Glasses. It’s The Battle Of Heads.

by Jon Katz

Forgive your self if you feel dizzy. The political world is different from two weeks ago. When I look at the news, I sometimes take my glasses off to blink my eyes and make sure I see what I think I see. Joe Biden and Donald Trump have changed heads.

I call this campaign the Battle of the Heads. Everyone in it seems to have a new one.

This is the time when our civic universe changed, was turned upside down and backwards, left Donald Trump spewing venom, Biden finally looking into a mirror,   Kamala Harris having the time of her life, and the rest of us wondering when the world will stop spinning and be still.

I’m learning who Kamala Harris is. I think she’s one of those good students I envied in school. She’s done her homework and owes that voice coach a lot of money.

I’ve narrowed my camaign focus down to this at the moment. Like Harris, I’m having fun:

Overnight, Donald Trump has become Joe Biden, and Joe Biden has become Kamala Harris.  Or has Harris become Joe Biden? Or somewhone elsle? It’s like a reality show gone mad. The mist is beginning to lift.

Just wait until Saturday Night Live returns at the end of August.

Biden is the man who got nasty and selfish when a nation was hanging on by a thread (don’t worry, he has been sainted since.

Politicians are…well, flexible), Donald Trump is suddenly the confused old man who is way too old for the job and can’t remember where he is or the names of the people standing next to him.

And that is the least of his flaws and troubles. He is such a mess that three federal indictments against  him have almost been forgotten in the bloodshed.

Trump, arrogant as ever, cannot imagine or accept defeat, so he very arrogantly chose a creepy and typically vicious Yale Graduate and opportunist to be his vice-president in order to insult millions of women by suggesting childless ones were “cat” women,  ruining our way of life (women  want to work!, he complained to Tucker Carlson in horror, “what kind of country is that! ”

Trump’s lackeys made it worse by calling Harris dumb and incompetent, a word they stopped using instantly when they learned it was especially offense to black women, who have heard it used against them for 400 years. Goodbye three or four hundred thousands votes.

As one savvy pundit said, every black woman in American will be walking through broken glass to get to the polls. Trump hates so many different kinds of people he can’t tell friend from foe.

Didn’t anyone vet this Vance guy? I could have told them writers make lousy politicians.

As a former political reporter, it is hard to believe an ambitious young man like him, a once proud (now ashamed) gratuate of Yale Law School)  would put stupid things like that into writing. What did he think might happen? Vance is doomed, along with his new tough guy beard.

Not because he’s incompetent, but because he is working for Donald Trump and that has the most predictable outcome of any job but working for Elon Musk.

I’ve been wondering for some time now just what it is that Yale is teaching those angry and obnoxious young men at the Law School (many now U.S. Senators), and now I know: it’s arrogance. They think they are invincible, Masters Of The Universe,  they inhale bullshit and it enters their neural systems..

Just wait until they meet more friends on social media.

Trump. who spent years molesting, assaulting and demeaning women, had just begin to woo some of them back (memories are very short in American politics) women they did not like Joe Biden.

It turned out that all Kamala Harris had to do to get off to a fabulous launch was to not be Joe Biden. The voters seem happy to be doing the rest. That was enough for many.

Nobody  but Trump and his new Labrador JD Vance and the aging white men in Congress cares what Harris did four years ago.  They don’t care what Hunter Biden did either.

They are dying to know what Harris wants to do now.

You have seen me say that Donald Trump is the worst and most dangerous enemy Donald Trump will ever have. He has mowed down opponent after opponent, men and women and the very thought that he might go back to the White House triggered the most dramatic social revolution in American history overnight.

His wishy-wash tap dancing about abortion rights is a profound danger to him in this election.

Suddenly, women remembered who Donald Trump was and flipped out at the prospect of an alternative, once they had one,  any alternative.

An African American/Asian women,  contrary to being the disaster we were told she would be, turned out to be the most daring and successful gamble ever in politics.

In politics, how you start out is usually where you end. First impressions get mired in cement heads.

Some remembered (Democrats reminded them) that Trump promised to solve the border problem by building the biggest concentration camp in history to capture and imprison illegal immigrants.

How did Trump handle this unexpected challenge from a woman nearly half his age?

Well, he was not prepared, to say the least, he is even out of nasty names already.

He is undaunted and back in his scary original form,  shooting himself in the foot every day, dumping on every single cultural and political group he was beginning to attract – women, blacks, Latinos, young people, moderates.

If you are Donald Trump, the last thing you want to be doing is reminding people of the real Trump.

Everything depends on a new one, which he sometimes knows how to fake. We still remember his pushing Bleach instead of vaccines as a medicine for Covid-19.

The new Donald Trump, the unifier and reflective one, lasted about 20 minutes and   promproptly showed everyone the worst of him, not the best. He is the very embodiment of our troubled past, and he is depressing and disturbing to watch and listen to. I don’t think he is able to smile.

The real questions among Americans, I believe, are not who is best to govern, but who can we stand to listen to for another four years.

One of the first things out of his mouth this  weekend was a promise that people who voted for him would “never vote again.” Personally, I doubt that he said what people thought he meant, but I am still astonished that he wasn’t careful enough not to say it.

The greatest fear that many American voters  have about him is that Trump wants to become a dictator who will not yield power or accept defeat.

He just scared the pants off of many of them for no particular reason.

The chatter in the ever maleable media – they wish to keep him going forever, he is a money magnet –  is that there was a new Trump. Nope.

At every opportunity Trump reminded us in his rambling and disjointed rants there there was not and will not ever be one. He actually promised that there would be “no more mister nice guy,” the gloves were coming off. You could hear the laughter coming through the computer.

What was the beginning of a major story has become the end of an even bigger story. Harris is fairly close to locking it up.

I am learning that Vice President, who I knew little about, is not as dumb as a rock but as agile as a border collie. Where, I wonder, has she been? In the burial tombs of the VP’s?

She saw Trump’s adolescent foot stomping coming and got out in front of the inevitable eruption of insults. It always worked before. It didn’t work this time.

Last night, I spent an hour trawling around social media, especially Instagram, Facebook and above all, TikTok, where Harris has drawn nearly 6 million followers in two and a half days.

She has also raised $200 million dollars in the week since she decided to run for President, and rounded up enough delegates for her nomination.

She didn’t wait for the bus to plow into her or over her.

She was more than ready. In juxtaposition to the morbid struggles of Joe Biden – every talk he finished just semed a miracle – she had done her homework and excercise program.

She introduced herself – she was clear and understandable –  a Prosecutor coming up against a Felon.

A  good line, a meme anyone can remember and understand, it landed like a hornet right up Trump’s widening butt. People stopped wondering who she was and started sending money.

They still are. Trump has been freaking out ever since.

How dumb is this Mr. Trump?

Harris has raised three times as much money in that period as you have, drawn 170, 000 volunteers and is the reigning Queen of Social Media, while the rapidly aging and calcifying Trump stays up all night spitting insults on his failing social media site,  calling her names like the Bully in every Middle School Playground in America

I know Trump too, just like the VP. People like him took my lunch money and beat me up all the time.

In a week and a half, Kamala has done was no other campaign has done in a year or more.

I dought that she can keep this level of energy and momentum going for months, but she won’t have too.

A couple of weeks should do it, and everyone who matters will have made up his mind. I doubt Trump will  ever debate her unless his tosterone overflows his judgement (quite possible) and if he does we will all be given the opportunity to see a great show, something we didn’t seen before.

The right choice of President will help even more than Trump and JD Vance. (What’s with the no function in his intials, is this a Yale thing. Vance insists on it)

Everything Trump tried has bounced back on him. He has no coherent narrative for his compaign, we have heard it all  before. He can’t seem to get beyond personal attacks and that alone cannot work for him.

Elon Musk’s, Trump’s newest all-in billionnaire also flubbed his big push for his new political hero: The billionaire owner of the social media platform X reposted a video that mimics Vice President Kamala Harris’s voice, without disclosing that it had been altered. So much for X’s stated rules and policies.

Trump is getting lower by the day, smaller, not taller, lower not higher.

He made fun of Kamala’s shoes, her smile, her laugh and the polls show that was some of the things people love the most about her. She actully seems to like people.

One of my neighbors, a Trump supporter from the beginning say she won’t let her daughter watch any videos of Trump, he doesn’t want her to learn that it’s okay to lie. My neighbor still goes to church with her on Sundays.

I sense he is trying to work things out.

Unlike the two Frail Old Men Of Mar-A-Lago and The White House, she is young, healthy, and full of life.

And  best of all, Kamala Harris is able to utter a complete sentence in English, something Trump and Biden can no longer due and we have not heard come out of a President’s mouth in a very long time. She might actually make some sense to us.


  1. I enjoy your *political* insights. You (to me) seem to have the ability to sum up the political *machine* very well and without bias…..not only from your own experience as a reporter….but with a very open and observant mind. Very nice.
    Susan M

  2. The world is watching this like people driving by a terrible car accident – they might see something awful, but they simply must look. Thanks for your perspective, Jon.

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