28 July

Fanny Is Limping Again. Beautiful Morning, Sunday, July 29, 2024.

by Jon Katz

Fanny, our donkey, is limping badly on the left food as well as the right one. Matt our farrier will be coming Monday morning. We’re applying Epsom Salts every day and changing bandages. This also looks like an abscess.

Life on the farm is rich, ever changing, and ever challenging. People often write me to say it seems we have a perfect life. That isn’t so. No one has a perfect life. We just have a wonderful one. Fanny is a sweet heart, it is hard to see her on so much pain. (No advice, please, we’ve been there before.)



    1. She’s not foundering Dana, my suggestion is to wait for professionals to look at her, and then we’ll know what it is, which is almost certainly an abscess. Foundering has very particular symptoms, she has none of them. We don’t speculate, we’ll find out.

  1. Ugh hope Fanny improves!
    Don’t like when the ‘animals’ are hurting!
    What can cause the abscess? Something they step on and get an injury?

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