27 July

The Bottom Line, Saturday Edition: Kamala Harris Isn’t Going Back. Donald Trump Isn’t Going Forward. The Trump Fever Is Breaking

by Jon Katz

Some perspective from the farm.

Please take it or leave it, and either way, thanks for reading it. I have no apologies for my beliefs, and I don’t qualify my opinions with “what ifs,” “maybe’s,” and “hope so,”  just as I never embrace Old Talk, a killer of older people and a breaker of their spirit. I accept my limits; I don’t permit them to take over my life. And I am never afraid to be wrong. It happens often. That is the end of thought.

Some weekend thoughts on the looming and historic confrontation between the past and the future.

Kamala Harris, a figure of stark contrast, is a lot for Donald Trump and his allegedly white Christian Crusaders to swallow. She is young, half-African American, half-Indian, and liberal. She smiles, laughs, and presents as a Prosecutor against her opponent, a Felon. She seems to love being something they hate: a woman in power.

For many white men, this is as close to a declaration of war as war itself. Trump was prepared to destroy the increasingly inarticulate Joe Biden. He built a whole campaign around it.

Instead, he got something quite alien, both to Trumpism and the hide-bund and constipated American media and political system. His response is to put Biden’s head on Harris and run against that. It looks freakish, creepy, and uncomfortable. Harris may be many things, but she is no Biden. She is a Harris. Biology works that way.

It feels like a campaign for two other people, at least on one side. It is out of sync with reality for Trump, desperate and flailing.

Trump is not a political leader, not in conventional terms. He is and has always been a Cult Leader, with a following that will never abandon him but which is not appealing or friendly, and is aging and unable to grow.

Harris has seized on an idea that both Trump and the Media have failed to see—an idea that is much bigger than a political campaign.

Women have drawn an extensive line in the send. There is no going back. They are not going back. It’s catchy and powerful. Contrary to Trump, let’s save the country and go as far back as possible.

This idea of not going back has, in effect, become Kamala Harris’s campaign theme, which is lifting hearts and stirring the spirits of millions of discouraged and frustrated women who could care less how she fumbled things a few years ago. She’s not fumbling anything at the moment.

Not going back is a big idea, a lot bigger than Trump’s dark, depressing, cruel, and empty world.

His followers seem ready to drink the Kool-Aid, as cult followers do, but he can’t seem to fight the truth. There needs to be more of them to win, and more non-members are willing to sign up again. His campaign is about nothing more than going back at all costs. He is the frightened white man’s last hope. Like Bide, like Trump, their time is up. They are not going back.

Since Biden was even farther back than Trump in some ways, he was the perfect opponent. He could sail on Biden’s unpopularity and mix it with his rabid following. The math might work on that one. He might have had a landslide if he wasn’t so hateful. Trump’s ego is Kamala Harris’s best friend.

The smart ones – and there are many smart Trumpists – will find a way to get out or hide. His boot-licking allies will eat him alive when the time comes and nibble on his remains. They are politicians, after all.

In the past weeks, Trump has tried every cruel and demeaning thing he can think of to undercut her shockingly exciting and popular new campaign. She may be as “dumb as a rock,” as she suggested, or an “extreme leftist radical Marxist,” as he called her, or a “bum,” as he called her last night, or “pathetic” a week ago.

But so far, that isn’t sticking. He needs more names.

People are paying attention, thanks in no small measure to Trump. They can judge for themselves.

For a Dumb Marxist Blockhead, Harris has been dancing rings around Trump all week, raising millions of dollars, signing up thousands of people, and taking over one social media site after another. She looks happy, vital, and ready. She’s even had a good voice coach.

I was surprised. I didn’t realize she was what millions of women and young people have been waiting for.

Many young people seemed thrilled, too; her social media sites have drawn millions. They seemed desperate for something new and young.

Trump and his handlers have finally settled on a more focused assault on Harris: she is too liberal for America, an extremist “woke-ist” who will protect the right to abortions and stuff the courts with Marxist radicals, as opposed to far-right Christian nationalists and extremists and anxious white men.

Nothing rattles them more than a strong woman. It’s a shame they don’t know what they are missing.

Her campaign will almost certainly settle down and miss some of the thrill and excitement, although it depends on her and the people around her.

If she can keep it going for just a few more weeks, then she will be Trump’s worst nightmare come true and will become President of the United States. So far, she is more deft, fast-moving, charismatic, and savvy than anyone expected. I believe she will win. There, I’ve said it with no hesitation and qualifications.

No matter how many names they call her, this is a Presidential campaign, and it’s coming to life under their shocked noses; people will see her for themselves, something that was no longer possible or rewarding for Joe Biden.

I believe Trump Fever is about to break.

He looks and sounds awful and can’t quite grasp that what surprised the country and worked for him eight years ago will not work for him again. His challenge was to be new, not old, strange, and depressing. He and Joe Biden have switched places in our politics and national history.

The irony of ironies: he is the new Joe Biden. He cannot make it through another four-year term or even a debate with someone whose cognitive functions are still working. They have traded places. Biden is still a wily fox, even if he can’t catch the rabbits. Sometimes, you win by losing.

Biden is gone, and Trump is old, fading, and increasingly confused and isolated.  He always gets ugly when threatened and undercuts himself. There is no way that a swollen ego can withstand this.

He is up against an energized, trained criminal lawyer who is in the best possible position—exceeding all low expectations. Her popularity can only go up.

Trump is lowering his by the hour. He is not likely to ever debate this young and radical Marxist black and yellow woman.  He might be nuts, but he isn’t dumb.

No felon ever wants to get onstage with a prosecutor, not a felon with a swollen ego,  faltering memory, and addiction to lying in public.

Stay tuned.


  1. Very nicely done, Jon. Yes… I sense hope for the better is in the air. I sense it now, as I did during Obama’s presidential run…… some trepidation for many (myself included) on many counts for many reasons but overall….hope and positivity seem to be what I am most feeling ………and that is almost always a better alternative to hate and derisiveness (sp). I want to feel excited …..I’m not quite there yet…..but getting there! Your political insights have always been very welcomed for me
    Susan M

  2. I hope Kamala will pick up on what Trump is telling people at his rallies now, that after he is elected, they won’t ever have to vote again! dictator talk, for sure…Putin is giving him pointers on just how to do that…That should win Kamala a lot more votes…

  3. Love this post of your perspective of what we’re all seeing. I was finding myself feeling a but at a loss with Biden at the head of the Dem ticket, I woukd have voted for him, no matter what…but for this last week, I have felt hopeful, energized, and almost giddy at watching the squirm of Trump, and they’re circle speeches, rantings, and such.
    I’m with You, I believe Ms. Harris is going to win…she has had a profound effect on the voting public. Young people like Kamala Harris, she has credibility, and like Obama before her, a down to earth quality…I feel like I could get an ice cream cone with her, and laugh as we ate it…!! It feels great.

  4. To put it very plainly and simply, why would anyone vote for a convicted felon to be president ?!!
    A felon that has served their time certainly would be something different to consider. Once a person has ‘paid their dues’ they deserve a chance to demonstrate their commitment to change but that is not the case. Different standards for the rich and powerful. A person of color who served their time for any type of conviction would have problems even being considered for a minimum wage job
    Don’t get it!

  5. I’m with you too. I believe she is going to win! Yes, I feel hope! Not only do I appreciate your perspective, I also enjoy Susan M’s posts.

  6. we need the bumper sticker that says ‘i am with the asian black female, jewish male, blended family and astronaut male, shooting survivor female ticket
    (I’m hoping for Mark Kelly for VP)

  7. Instead of dreading the election, I’m now looking forward to it. I picture Trump as the middle school bully and Harris as the principal who calls him into her office for a good dressing down. I think the excitement will amp up when she picks a running mate. My hubby likes Mark Kelly, too. We could finally have a Democrat powerhouse team.

  8. Many young people in their 20s who still resent the shock and damage of covid to their lives are very excited about Harris, telling me they feel like they can now live the youth they missed. And are now going to vote.

    Harris seems younger than she is, follows current new music, new creativity stuff and whatever
    20somethings are doing.

    I like her: she is restrained thus more presidential than him. (She was considered conservative when she ran for prosecutor and AG btw)

    Hope is in the air.

    (Glad she got some voice lessons for the nasal.)

  9. Hell hath no fury like women who have been scorned; we are many and we are organized. I do enjoy your political writing, Jon. You’re not a sensationalist, nor do you try to sway anyone one way or the other. You write clearly, and concisely. Thank you!

  10. I’m with Christilne…It is mind boggling that Trump is even allowed to run again, after all the crimes he committed in his first term. from handling of covid, to “find me 11,780 votes” to stealing classified docluments to sell to adversaries, to Jan 6!!!! and being impeached twice, and if it wasn’t for Sen Susan Collins of Maine, he would not be allowed to ever run for public office again…she refused to vote for impeachment saying “he had learned a lesson”,,,good one!!! hope Sen Collins learned the lesson!

  11. I’m excited about Harris, but I can’t honestly say I’m not worried. For some, like myself, a Trump victory or his inability to accept defeat (once again) is a worry. It would be nice if I could afford my medication (most likely I will be dependent on insulin as I age). Under Biden and Harris I can afford $35 a month. I can’t afford many of my needs to live a full life with my MS so I certainly can’t afford another big bill. And J.D. Vance is not the J.D. Vance who I once respected as a gifted writer and someone who pulled himself up by his bootstraps. The things that come out of his mouth. WOW! He would be a heart beat from the presidency. That is scary.

    1. Everyone should follow their own thoughts. I’ not into worring about the future, I think the present is quite fascinating as it is, the future is not predictable, I have the right to be happy and will choose that path. You will choose your own, as you should and good luck to you.

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