25 July

From Maria: Light, Vintage, Iconic And Beautiful Summer Scarves

by Jon Katz

Maria does not stagnate; her clock is always ticking. Today, she’s making six or eight vintage light summer scarves out of beautiful and iconic hankies made a half-century ago or longer.

She’s making the first one today, and she expects one or two to be posted on her Etsy Page tomorrow.

They are lovely, a testament to the creative women who made them. Their daughters can’t bear to throw them away, so they send them to Maria, who honors them.

If you are interested and prefer to avoid shopping online, you can pre-order by calling Maria at [email protected].

The scarves will cost $65 plus shipping. We are having great fun making these videos, and the response has been quite wonderful, so we will do more. Maria glows when she is talking about her art.

Maria is on quite a roll.


  1. Oh I am so happy to see this – such a delightful idea! I have a number of hankies that I saved/bought with the intent of making a handkerchief quilt, but then I got involved with other creative projects , but I would love to have them turned into a scarf, so I will talk to Maria about the logistics of this via Etsy. Wow, is that a sentence in need of editing, but I am leaving it. Between your lovely floral photos and Zip and sharing what Maria is up to, your posts have just become a balm in an otherwise frenetic world. Thank you for sharing your world and your words!

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