22 July

Thanks, Mr. Biden. You Reminded Me That It’s Time To Take Trump’s Keys Away. You Did It Yourself. Good For You.

by Jon Katz

I’d be lying if I claimed to be one of President Biden’s greatest fans; I recently became concerned that he has lost his morals as well as his memory.  My grandmother taught me not to lie, and I can’t imagine how I would explain to her a political system that has made lying an honorable and even necessary requirement for the Presidency.

Can you imagine Donald Trump stepping down from his candidacy for the good of his party as well as the country, even though most of my Republican friends would be grateful for that?

(Portrait Maria: I took it this morning in the mist.)

Trump’s great skill is twisting and corrupting the morals of a once great, admirable, and patriotic political party. What a shame he has turned our political values—once the inspiring light of the free world—into hypocrisy, lying, hatred, and division. Mr. Trump appears to love nothing but himself.

I just wanted to say thanks, Joe Biden. It was clear how difficult a choice this was for you. It’s brave of you to look inside yourself and remember who you want to be. It takes a big man to do what you did, and it takes a very small man to laugh at you for it.

As an older man, I relate to his difficulties and agony in making this decision. I hope he discovered what I have found about aging: We don’t need to give up living, but we do need to recognize—for our sake and the sake of the ones we love—what we can no longer do and be grateful for what we can do. I’m not less of a man. I’m more of one.

I never want to be Grandpa, whose friends and relatives must take his car keys away. I accept who I am and who I am not. That does not diminish me; it enhances me.

If the time comes, I will do it myself if I can. Biden took the keys away from himself, and we are all better. So, I believe, is he.  I can empathize with the strain he was under. How small of Trump to call him names and lie about his integrity.

I’m not a political ideologue, but speaking as a citizen who loves his country, I wish Kamala Harris the best of luck. The point is not always to be the winner. The point is always to continue trying to be a better human. One can do that at any age.

Here’s to hoping that Kamala Harris will take Mr. Trump’s keys to our country away in November.

We all know, friends or foe,  that Donald Trump is not big or honest enough to do it himself.


  1. It was good to at least hear you acknowledge the bravery and selflessness it took for President Biden to step down, putting the good of the country first, but it sure would have been nice have heard you ever acknowledge all the good he has done and all he has accomplished. Many, many people are hailing him as one of the most effective presidents ever, restoring our good standing with our allies as well as our credibility and honor and bringing back as post-trump, post, covid economy from the brink, creating jobs, making progress toward reversing climate change, and on and on. In a recent post you said that you wished one party would be talking about climate change. Where have you been? Biden has been talking about it non-stop. Even AOC and Bernie Sanders have praised his efforts there. It would be actually very big of you to acknowledge all that he has accomplished in his four years office, as are so many now.

    1. My job is not to tout Biden or join his team, Kate. It’s to stand back and try to explain what is happening. I’m not an ideologue, and I don’t define myself by hero worship for politicians; I don’t accept other people’s labels. Like Trump, Biden has millions of people to praise him and they are; he doesn’t need me to do that. I wasn’t a cheerleader when I was a reporter; I’m not going to be one now. I see him as a decent man who did a lot of good and lost the ability to communicate with ordinary people in many parts of the country. He also refused to accept where he was in life, which could easily have led to catastrophe. He almost cost us our democracy in the end with his ego and refusal to face the truth. He did the right thing, good for him. We don’t need more people to worship our leaders; we need people who want to govern everyone.

  2. Great blog. I had to take the keys away from my mother before she hurt herself or someone else while driving half blind. Biden is a hero (in my book) for his decision. By voting we can take the keys away from Trump. Vote, vote, vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I like this, Jon. You spoke of your own concerns and acknowledged that Biden seems to have begun accepting what he can and cannot do any longer, and of the moral compass and personal strength such a decision requires. To me, this speaks volumes more about someones integrity than would *listing* any other accomplishments.
    Susan M

  4. Thank you Jon, for me you can put into perspective and words that somehow take the fear away from me with the US politics. You see and think in a positive way. And I see my friend Susan agrees….You have the gift of words, Jon.
    I believe Biden may have had a reason for staying as long as he has and not making his decision public before this. Time will tell,
    Sandy Small Proudfoot
    in Ontario, Canada

  5. I admire President Biden, think he accomplished more in 3 years than most people realize. I also feel I was misled about Biden’s physical / cognitive health by his inner circle. I have friends who see Biden being pressured to step down by Pelosi, Obama, etc. at the ultimate “You, too – Brutus?” moment: they are grieving as if a family member died. Kamala Harris may not win the 2024 election, but President Biden was surely going to lose it. At least now there’s now a chance to keep democracy alive.

    1. Thanks, Susie; I believe democracy will be alive for a very long time in America, whoever wins in November…

  6. Long live Democracy. Harris will show us that it lives. She’s a Prosecutor. He’s a criminal. A multi Felon criminal. I think that should be enough.

  7. Here here!! So wonderfully put!!! And hooray for Bravery and all that the past good generation(s) often stood for: honesty, integrity and authenticity!

    And for me, I have hung onto things until my knuckles bled, and in letting go- with lots of time- I find acceptance, and sometimes even joy and certainly wonder! That part ( acceptance) I learn from animals ( mostly dogs!)

    Thanks Jon!!!
    Here’s to hope!

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