22 July

Chonicles Of Zip, Our Own Houdini: He Finds A New Hiding Place This Morning, Maybe The 15th One

by Jon Katz

Zip is a genius at figuring out how to have at least a dozen hiding places to snatch unsuspected mice and moles, get out of the rain, or take a nap safely. He has hideouts in gardens beneath the front porch, in tall grasses, inside of wood piles and rock foundations.

He is a magician; he can squeeze into almost anything. He spotted this old pipe in the pasture and dove right into it. Many mice go by at night; some rats used to; Zip got them all. The minute I saw the pipe out there (it’s going to the dump), I knew he would also find it.

Lulu is our guard donkey, but a curious, not unfriendly one. He never runs from her, and she never tries to butt him or run him off.

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