22 July

Bedlam Farm In The Mist. My Favorite Sunrise, I Think, Is A Foggy One. Come and See…

by Jon Katz

It was a beautiful, misty morning today. I had a wonderful time with my camera outside just after 6 a.m. Maria did her usual Manure Throw, and Bud did his patrolling. Our farrier came to look at Fannie’s limping leg; she had a nasty abscess and would need soaking and heavier bandages.

I went to see my Primary Care Physician, Dr. Hannah Dodge, who is part of the Saratoga Hospital health system. We did well.

My AiC  diabetes) is going down, I’ve lost weight, I’m sleeping better, and my blood pressure and heartbeat are okay—suitable for men my age. She’ll see me in three months.

We had a meaningful conversation about memory loss. I told her that after I had my concussion, and my typos soared (there have always been some, plus my Dyslexia), the social media yenta police unit  (the Correction Busybodies) went into meltdown.

I had misspelled the Calla Lili. Some suggested that I was experiencing Dementia.

Dr. Dodge left and told me they knew little about it (this is typical of social media yentas. When they aren’t giving out warnings, they are hunting for corrections. Of course, they would find me!).

She said that short-term memory is about getting older and not getting sick. The problem would come if I forgot what flowers were, not if I forgot their names, or if I forgot what dishes were, not if I forgot to wash them. I had no signs of dementia, she said and saw no reason to be tested.

Patients with Dementia don’t write on blogs every day or take flower photos.

It’s good to hear it; my hearing also sounded fine. She had no worries, she said. I didn’t need blood pressure, either. For a soon-to-be 77-year-old, she said, I was “awesome.”

Come along for the morning mist show, perhaps the most beautiful time here. I like Dr. Dodge; she is open, transparent, and fun to talk to. And like my female doctors, she is interested in what I say. I don’t think they teach the male doctors that.


Asher with a leaf on his nose.

The morning sun is always beautiful, even around the clouds. The sun showed itself, and my camera responded.

Bud is on the trail of a turtle.

Misty landscape.

Lulu is the most thoughtful animal I’ve had. And those eyes….

I love my new Cosmos flowers; they are my favorite of the month.


    1. You’re kidding, gotcha; why did no one tell us? (I’d find work if I were you) Maybe get a cat or dog?

  1. Love the Cosmos bouquet…they’re one of my favorite flowers, too.

    I see my primary care doctor tomorrow…at 73, am hoping for a good report, too. Fasting bloodwork done yesterday. 🤞🏻

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