21 July

Taking Flower Photos With My Associate, Zip Cat. Yes, You Can Scratch A Cat And Take A Picture At The Same Time. I Do It Often

by Jon Katz

Maria took this picture, thanks, and it says it all. Yes, you can take a photo while scratching a barn cat on the head. The photos came out well; I’ll post some as soon as we return from seeing comedian Alex Edelman in Williamstown this afternoon. It’s a good day to see a very funny comedian. See you later this afternoon.

Zip is a great associate; he respects my work and loves a head scratch. It works out well for us both.


    1. Thanks, Pete, it always seemed inevitable to me; I’ll be writing about it, perhaps tonight and occasionally. I don’t want the blog ever to have a political focus, and I don’t do the name-calling hate stuff. But when I have some perspective to offer people, I’ll try to do it, and thanks for the good words. It wasn’t a hard call, I don’t think.

  1. Wow, so talented, photographing and tending to Zip! Multitasking!
    But you’ve had a lot of practice.
    Glad you and Maria are enjoying this beautiful Sunday.

  2. Too Good! I will not show this to Nell, as we are city folk. She is not. She would be headed your way faster than she hits the kitchen when I open a can of tuna. Thanks for your humor. ; )

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