21 July

A Ride With The Cosmos. Flower Art, Sunday, July 21, 2042. A Big Day For Flowers And People

by Jon Katz

We went to the Bernard Farm this morning. I told Maria I had a dream of taking pictures of a bunch of Cosmos flowers. I kept seeing their fresh and bright color from different angles.

The Cosmos were haunting me, and Joe Biden was scaring me (Trump already has). Things feel better now. I need some silence and quiet tonight.

The Cosmos did not fail to please.


We went to Williamstown to see a stand-up comedian – Alex Edelman, a Tony Award winner and new HBO star. He was hilarious.

Towards the end of the two-hour performance, he dropped a line saying that Joe Biden had fallen out of the race. We got home, and I decided to write about it. See below, and also put up some beautiful (to me) Cosmos photos, just like I dreamed. I bought one bunch for $10; it was worth every penny.

Tomorrow, I have my scheduled checkup with my primary care doctor first thing in the morning.

Signing off after this; see you in the morning.






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