20 July

Saturday Afternoon, Bedlam Farm, Bedlam Farm Joural. Zip, Donkeys, Hens, Peace, Quiet And Beauty

by Jon Katz

We are having the sweetest afternoon, reading, writing, talking, and taking photos.

We went shopping this morning, friends came to dinner, and Dan came over to haul rotting wood from the barn. Life is good and full of miracles. I was happy to see Maria and Zip relaxing together. When she sits and reads, he often comes up and sits on her feet, careful not to bother or distract her. He has a beautiful gift for respecting the work we are doing, whether reading or taking pictures.

He never interrupts. He knows how to fit in without being annoying.

Zip is getting better at relaxing with us all the time. Although he was a wild creature when he arrived, he has settled down and fits into farm life beautifully. He is very smart and intuitive; he gets it.

I have to get my flower photos ready for tonight, and then I’ll be signing off. Peace and compassion, stay away from the news for a day or so. They are working it out in their own careful and cautious way. Flower Art is coming soon.




They line up – hens, donkeys, hills.


The Had


Still life, dining room window, noon.


Dan Rodgers came over this morning to replace a few more rotting pieces of wood in the barn and front of the house. He even reserved Maria’s hay twine sculpture taking shape out by the pasture gate.


  1. sounds like such a perfect day for all of you ! And shameless flirt Zip *does* make himself comfortable…… when he is so inclined…… his innate intuition is excellent……as I have found to be the case with all true barn cats in my experience……. they just *know* and feel everything ALL the time! Happy weekend to you all………
    Susan M

  2. Jon,
    I love the picture of Maria and Zip. He is such a charmer. I lost my Rob a few years back and still miss him so much.
    Thank you for your words and pictures. They make my day.

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