18 July

Zip Chronicles: King Of The Solstice Wood Pile

by Jon Katz

One reader messaged me the other day and said she had become a Zip addict. She hated to ask, but she wondered if I could possibly post a photo of Zip every day.

I said I understood. I couldn’t promise to post a Zip photo daily, but I didn’t hate the idea either. Zip is a wonderfully photogenic animal, and I take a Zip photo almost every other day. It’s hard for a photographer to resist.

Zip’s new favorite headquarters is the Solstice wood pile we keep adding for our seasonal bonfires. Zip has found another home he loves, every morning he vanishes into the deep corners of the growing wood pile (all of our rotting wood goes there) and looks out over the pasture, the marsh and keeps an out out for unsespecting mice and unfortunate chipmunks. He’s pretty invisible in there.

Occasionally, he comes out and sits for one of his calendar poses.

This one’s for you, Jeanette. As a rule, I don’t take orders for photos, but I also love seeing Zip every day. He has brightened our busy lives.

We might have to build another wood pile; I’d hate to take this one away from him; he loves it in there.


  1. Since I was three years old, I have been a dog person, but your photos of the remarkable Zip have opened up the world of cats to me. Zip is such a good example of what cats are: curious, independent, aloof, loving (when inclined to be), and loyal, and what a perfect life he has on Bedlam Farm. Thanks for sharing him with us.

    1. Thanks for noticing, Kaaren; Zip is the happiest animal I have yet come across…his happiness is infectious…

  2. I agree with the Daily Zip! Perhaps on the days that you haven’t captured a photo of him, you could do a “Classic Zip” and post one of your favorites from the past.

    1. Thanks, Wolf, but I think Zip is on the blog plenty; I don’t want to turn his life into a complete circus. With all that’s happening in the world, people can skip a Zip day occasionally. As it is, it’s a rare day without a photo of him. The blog needs to be authentic every day, not choreographed.

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