18 July

Good Thursday Morning, A Blood Morning

by Jon Katz

I’m off to get my blood drawn for my regularly scheduled meeting with my primary care physician this Monday. As I get older, we have more things to discuss, and they get more interesting.

Maria’s coming with me. We will stop at a restaurant we love for breakfast. I’ll be back before lunch. For the first time in a week, the temperature will not reach the 90s.

I believe President Biden will step down this week; I suspect COVID-19 was the last straw.

Please don’t take the trouble to write to fight with me. You are welcome to share your opinions, but I don’t argue my beliefs on the blog or social media with strangers.

It’s just unhealthy. FYI, death threats and nasty messages are not posted or answered. Sorry, trolls. Civil and thoughtful messages are always allowed. We are a safe zone. Very few political happenings draw attention to my blog.

This is a big one, perhaps once in a lifetime; it’s part of my life, even on the farm. I need to say what I think.

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