18 July

Flower Art: Her Majesty, Queen Anne Lace And The Sunflowers, A Tricky Marriage. What’s My Story, Anyway?

by Jon Katz

I spent a couple of hours with my camera in the sun today, so I feel obliged to honor the sun’s light in my photos.

This was a step forward today. Maria pointed out that Queen Anne’s Lace (an invasive species)  was suddenly popping up all over the place, and it blended beautifully with the other photos I’d been taking.

I am learning so much about exposure and the balance of colors that it scares me. I can’t tell if I’m in it over my head or if my head is catching up to me. I don’t feel worthy of these beautiful pictures; I have never done anything like this before.

Thanks for your encouragement and patience. I’m still learning more and working to improve.

Something was buried inside of me and needed to come out. Joseph Campbell would say I’m following my bliss. I am trying to figure out what I am following. I’m a storyteller, and flowers are another way of telling my story. But what is the story? ˆ

I’m still trying to figure it out.







Quick facts. Queen Anne’s lace is an invasive species. Due to its faster maturation rate and size, it invades disturbed and newly restored areas where it can outcompete other species. It tends to decline as native grasses and flowers reestablish themselves.




  1. I never knew that queen Anne’s lace was an invasive species until I read this. I always thought of it as a wild carrot, which Wikipedia states.
    Beautiful photos of it amongst the flowers.

  2. I know it’s invasive, but I am a big fan of Queen Anne’s lace. It is exquisite in design and butterflies and other insects like it. It seems to me that a lot of the invasives have pretty flowers.

  3. LOL Jon! You don’t *need* a story…..your photos speak from your heart through your eyes…….and that’s perfect! No story needed! Keep it up, I’m enjoying the continuing evolution ………
    Susan M

  4. Hi Jon,
    How about “The Art of Blossoming”?
    Alternatively, “The Art of Unfolding”, or “Unfolding the Sun in me” (mystically said, it could be spelled as “Unfolding the Son in Me”, where the Son and the Me – the Self, are the exalted, or who you really are)

  5. Queen Anne’s Lace is one of my favorite flowers. (Invasive or not).
    I even had some in my wedding bouquet with orange Butterfly weed.
    Thank you for the lovely photos of all the wild flowers.

  6. Queen Anne’s Lace is a lovely invasive, and I enjoy shooting pics of it in all stages. I especially love the legend of where the purple spot in the center evolved…’Queen Anne’s lace is said to have been named after Queen Anne of England, who was an expert lace maker. The legend says that while crafting away, Queen Anne pricked herself with a needle and a single drop of blood fell from her finger onto the lace, leaving the dark purple spot.’ There is so much fun ‘stuff’ out there about wildflowers. 🙂

  7. All of these photos are lovely as always, but the third one has has taken my breath away and stolen my heart.

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