17 July

Zip And Me: Riding Out A Thunderstorm In Peace And Beauty. Love In Quiet.

by Jon Katz

I don’t tell others what to do, but I will share some things that work for me. One of them is riding out a severe rainstorm with a Barn Cat. A thunderstorm hit the farm around 1 p.m., and Maria and I went out on the porch to watch it and sit it out.

Maria had to go back to work (it was belly dancing night), and I sat by myself, something I love to do in a storm. It let up a moment and was completely dry; Zip popped out of the garden and into my lap.

We spent the next half hour or so with Zip curled up on my shoulder, watching the leaves blow on the trees, and the rain pour down, with thunder booming all around us. Zip and I have become great pals now; we love to do things together, he sat quietly on my shoulder, purring and enjoying the scratches on his chin.

He is great company when he does that. We are two odd souls and good friends hanging out together. Zip has enriched my life and opened my eyes to the lives of some cats, especially Barn Cats, a unique species I have always admired.

He knows how to love in silence, which makes it all the more beautiful.


The thunder rattled zip. I wondered if he gets rattled by the thunder. His barn is dry and cozy. He showed no signs of anxiety; he just popped up on my lap, got his chin scratched, and dozed a bit.


 Seeing the waterfall on the birdbath on our beautiful farm is almost meditative.

Rainstorms are always beautiful. We had another severe weather alert, but it passed without trouble.

Watching storms in silence is one of the most peaceful things I ever do, and since cats do not speak, they share the silence with me.

It was sweet. Bud was listening to the wind, the leaves, and the water trickling down from the room. He is never as relaxed as when lying on my stomach or shoulder. The same could be true of me.

I value time with Zip; it enriches me in ways I don’t quite understand but appreciate.


It began to let up a little before three. Zip hopped off of my lap and headed out to the pasture. The baby chipmunks he was hunting got wise. I see them zipping around, but they are never visible when Zip is around. It was so peaceful to spend that time with Maria first and then with Zip.

Even the news couldn’t distract me from it or take me away. Zip is a great friend to have.  He calms me and makes me smile.



  1. We just had that storm at around 5PM (2 hours or so south of you.) Electric went on and off and on, same for internet. Our little poodle mix barked at the first thunder clap, then went to sleep. The cats didn’t care at all. the tortoise is roughing it in the garden. I’m alone in the house as well. Feels very peaceful.

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