17 July

Sarah’s Food Pantry Request For Today: Spathetti And Meatballs, (Pack of 4)$4.00, Canned Ham, (Pack Of 12), $22.95.

by Jon Katz

The food situation is increasingly urgent. Americans are increasingly struggling to find nutritious food for themselves and their families. Feeding America reports that approximately 49 million people, one in six Americans, now rely on food assistance from charities and food pantries.

We do some real good when we help. Thank you.

Pantry Director Sarah Harrington diligently updates the Cambridge Food Pantry Amazon Wish List daily, listing items crucial for the pantry’s operations. Today’s list features two high-demand items: Spaghetti and Meatballs ($4) and Canned Ham.

Obtaining these items is difficult or impossible for the pantry. Let’s get them back on the shelves. Here are the links:


Chef Foyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs, 14.5 Ozz Cans Pack of $4.

Hormel, Canned Ham, Smoked, 5 Ounce (Pack of 12), $22.95.


The Amazon Cambridge Pantry Wish List is a vital tool that helps us understand what the pantry needs but can’t always acquire or keep in stock. Your immediate support is crucial to meet these needs.

Feel free to browse daily; it is always changing.

Food insecurity rates are highest for households with incomes below the poverty line and single-mother households.

Together, we have the power to make a significant impact.

By supporting the Cambridge Food Pantry, we can help ensure it has the resources it needs to provide food and other items that are often unavailable through donations or unaffordable.

Your support is not just a donation; it’s a lifeline for those in need.

About 13 million children in the United States are what the authorities call “food insecure,” which means they don’t get enough to eat. A lot of the items we purchase for the pantry are for children.



The help of work the volunteers do is impossible to categorize. They are the heartbeat and soul of the pantry.

You can check out the wish list here.


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