17 July

Good Morning From Bedlam Farm, Wednesday, July 17. Heat And Beauty Compliment Each Other. Come And See The Manure Throw

by Jon Katz

More heat, plenty of beauty. Maria did her manure throw; she decided to fertilize all three pastures by herself, using the wheelbarrow to clean out the manure pile and feed our grass. It worked last year, and as usual, she refuses any help. The Manure throw is how we start every day.

I have my weekly Zoom meeting this morning. The project was to connect and communicate with the people who read the blog, but the first group of eight became friends, and we stayed together, talking openly and freely and sharing our lives. We have become friends, of all things.

I love this experiment; it reminds me that humans are on the other side of e-mail.

I’m happy with how the food pantry/Army of Good Fusion has worked. Our Women’s Day (tampons) and our Children’s Day (toothpaste and shampoo for kids) were great (and very inexpensive) successes. I enjoy doing this work, and apparently, so do many of the blog readers. Today’s pantry help requests are Spaghetti and Meatballs and Smoked Him. I’ll post the links after the Zoom. See you soon.


Zip has a new headquarters, and the burn pile is in the middle of the pasture. He loves it in there; he can sit in the middle and look out at the world. Zip is the happiest animal we’ve ever had on the farm (maybe Zinnia, too.) Red and Rose were too busy to be happy; they just worked.

Tulips with dew, morning sun.

Lulu and Fanny find corners to hide in from the heat.

Asher has grown up and is now a beautiful sheep. He has his spot in the shot for shade.

My garden bed frames the donkeys; I love it when the camera does it.

Strawberry flowers in the morning sun. Heat can be beautiful.

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