16 July

“This Fuckin’ Guy Over Here…” Beautiful Morning, Bedlam Farm, July 16, 2024

by Jon Katz

Ian McRae and I, planning Next Week’s Chess Night:

Jon: “Ian, how about a square pizza tonight from Salem? It’s small, half plain, half pepperoni. I can order it for you and pay.”

Ian: “Alright, man, let’s do it.

Jon: “Try and lose this time; I’m just another wobbly old man.”

Ian: “That fuckin guy over here…”

Jon: “That’s me.” (I love that kid. It’s the best description of me ever.)

Maria and I are off to Albany this morning for her last ear specialist visit. The doctor helped remove a wicked ear infection that took two months to stop. It was very uncomfortable.  On the way back, we will celebrate with lunch and ice cream.


Today is our first “Health Day For Kids” at the Cambridge Food Pantry. We seek to send four items—toothpaste, body wash, and shampoo—to fill the children’s shelves with items supporting good health and hygiene. They need these things.

The wish list details are here.

I hope you can help.


Out of the heat. 95 to 100 today.


My garden beds are exploding.

Morning, sunrise at Bedlam Farm.


  1. One can only imagine what it’s like to have the influence over people that you do. You inspire so many to step up and give when it’s truly needed.
    God bless you Jon.

    1. Thanks Steve very kind, but I don’t think it’s really my influence that works here. I think it’s something people really want to do and are waiting for chances to do. It just feels good to be kind and empathetic rather than angry and cruel. They don’t need much influencing.

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