14 July

The Washington County Dairy Princesses Raise Money For The Food Pantry At The Farmer’s Market

by Jon Katz

Every year, Washington County chooses its Dairy Princesses, and I am always happy to take their photo. Some people ask me shyly if I moved to the country in such a remote place. I always reply this way: the city was remote to me, but I feel I’m in the heart of the country right now.

These are all farm children; they work hard, care for their animals, and help their families run their farms. This is the Washington County equivalent of the former Miss America Pageant.  They spend very little time, if any, on Social Media. They are too busy feeding and milking the family cows.

I love their warmth, pride, work ethic, and smiles. Everyone knows what a barn cat is, another reason to love them. They will all appear again at the County Fair in August.

They all appeared at the Cambridge Farmer’s Market to raise money for the food pantry, and they did a great job.

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