13 July

On Putting Good Out There. Hate Begats Hate, Good Begats Good. I’m Putting My Weapons Away.

by Jon Katz

The phrase “hate begets hate” is described in the Gospel of Matthew, verse 26:52, in the Bible. The concept is that violent behavior can lead to more violent behavior. In this passage, a disciple, later identified as Peter in the Gospel of John, draws a sword to defend Jesus from being arrested but is told to put his weapon away.

I don’t recall where I first heard the idea that hate begets hate, but I do remember when our country began to boil over with hatred in 2o16.

My response was to start putting good out there. That was the birth of the Army of Good, an army of good people all over the country who began putting good out there and still are.

When I heard the chilling news about the bloodshed and hatred in Pennsylvania last night, I resolved once more to keep putting good out and make sure not to hate, judge, argue, or blame others.

I wish Mr. Trump well and am grateful he was not hurt more severely; I said a silent prayer for the people who were killed or injured.

Then I went online with Maria, and we bought four different kinds of salad dressings and sent them to the Cambridge Food Pantry, where food is badly needed and put to good use. “Putting good out was your idea,” she said, “let’s go do it.”

That was my first thought. The second was to put my weapon away, just as Peter did.

For me, and speaking only for me, putting good out there does not make me a saint or even a good person; it is my way of turning hate and rage into good. I am not a Christian, but Jesus had the right idea for me. I’ve learned that he and the Bible were correct:  anger spawns anger and hatred more hatred.

I’m not doing that.

I believe good spawns good. That’s my faith.

This is not a night for analysis, finger-pointing, political talk, or endorsements for me; it’s a time to sit in silence, think of the victims, and say some prayers for my troubled country, which I love.

When I feel I’ve done that to the best of my ability,  I will return to life and continue my work to be a better human.

I can and will do that. I will sit with Maria and our dogs and work together to find hope and kindness.

Many people need help, and the food pantry is out of peanut butter again.

I know what I will be doing in the morning.



  1. Thanks for teaching me to think this way. Tonight we took food to the local church’s blessing box.

  2. May we all reflect on what our country has witnessed tonight. Let us ALL move forward and bring to the table all of the good that we have the capacity to. Let us unite and come to realize how much risk we all bear. Someone’s innocent loved one died tonight out of the evil, ignorance and hatred that is on a rapid simmer in our beloved country. Let us all bow our heads and may our thoughts and prayers for this lost soul and our country be heard.

  3. This is a very important message. I hope more people think about who & what has brought so much hate into our daily lives.
    I’ll also be spreading hope and kindness today and everyday.

  4. Thank you for your thoughts on the
    desperate need for goodness in a nation so divided and in so much trouble.

  5. Dear Jon. How is it that your new postings already have comments? Just curious. Thank you.

    1. I don’t understand the question, Karen. It is not possible to post a comment before a post is published. Please offer an example if you have one. Comments are usually posted every few hours, but can’t be posted before they are written and published.

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