12 July

Notes From The Art Room By Sue Silverstein – Summer Edition

by Jon Katz
Sue Silverstein teaches art and community services at Bishop Gibbons High School in Schenectady, N.Y., 12345. Her column about teaching art in TikTok America runs every Friday. People from all over the country and much of the world send her discarded and forgotten items, and she magically turns them into beautiful art. She has also been heroic in her work in support of the refugee children from Myanmar who fled to America in recent years to escape the genocide there. All her refugee students are now in college, many on scholarships. Thanks for supporting her art students and her excellent art program.
Notes from the Art Room 11-Summer Edition
As wonderful as the first week of vacation was, the word I would use to describe this week would be “eventful”! It has been said that we made plans, and God laughs.
I planned to work on the art room this week, sorting and planning for next year. But then my incredibly old dining room ceiling fell in the middle of the night, so that was a mess.
Understatement. But to be honest, it was a project on my summer list anyway, and now it’s been repaired, and I learned a lot about ceiling repair.
There have been some stuff with insurance company delays for some issues that I also put off way too long, which throws off my whole schedule of events as I have it planned in my head. Now that is funny—planning a schedule.
And then there has been the relentless weather and threat of severe storms that thankfully did not happen.
But, a positive aspect: while at Home Depot buying ceiling repair materials, I had a brainstorming idea for a new project with grout and broken jewelry that I cannot wait to try with the kids!
 Another positive is that all the students who have taken their families to see the art at Proctors Theater in Schenectady are on display. That makes my heart smile. The schedule depends; we may stay for August, too! Stop by and see it if you are in the area. This week’s photos highlight some of the young artists’ work on display.
More beautiful things: Matthew, a blog reader, emailed me some fantastic ideas about sources for wood donations. He took the time to research the Schenectady area and gave me excellent suggestions—Jane from WI.
I emailed Margaret from CA and plan to send some super things. I also sent a photo of some ribbons I know the kids will love.
The simple fact that people are willing to help us gives me faith in the goodness of people in a world that is sometimes “eventful” when we least expect it.
I was talking to Jon and Maria last night. We were texting, and they sensed I was “stressed,” so they called me. I am so blessed to call them friends. They are God’s angels in so many ways.
 I am always looking for wood, wood scraps, hot glue sticks and glue guns, window shades and shutters, China cups, and glassware (I found a rose tea set at a yard sale that I already know that my rockstar sculptor Paige will build a fantastic creation around next year.
Paint, canvas, wire, plaster wrap, old maps, jewelry, cake decorating equipment, and anything else you think would make something beautiful. I appreciate the notes and emails! They make me smile daily! Most of all, I appreciate all of you!
 Have a blessed week.
2600 Albany Street
Schenectady, New York 12345


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