10 July

The Hottest Day Yet Here. Life Goes On. And On

by Jon Katz

The temperature was close to 100 degrees; I went only to the pantry to get the mail, to the post office, and to the back porch for some flower photos.

Zip only briefly appeared in the donkey’s feeder, of all places.  He’s not a summer cat, but a winter cat.

We are still nursing Fannie through a nasty abscess. Maria has been working with Fannie.

There is a severe tornado warning for this area; I’m getting my blogging done in case we lose power.

I got out this morning to take my sunrise walk around the farm. I got a new summer bathrobe that cost only $23, which I like very much.  I’ll be wearing it outside in the mornings. I was going to play chess with Ian, but I thought it wouldn’t work for him to be driving around in a tornado.

There’s not much we can do about a tornado except run into the basement with the dogs and wait it out.  We don’t get a lot of tornadoes here, but this alarm does sound a bit serious. See you later.

Our pantry women’s shelf campaign is working out beautifully. Thank you.


Our day begins with a manure throw.

Putting anti-biotics on Fannie’s foot.


Sunrise in my flower bed.


Sheep and heat.


Sheep and heat 2.


  1. Hope the tornado takes Zip to a new home with normal people who will give him the care he needs…& deserves…

    1. Ah, Jim the first nasty note of the month. Zip and I wish you a more meaningful life than sending messages like this to strangers and wishing them harm.

      Are you normal? I bet not. Zip and I are surely not normal if that’s what it means, I suspect we all get what we deserve, beware and take care.

    2. Stay safe, your smart in listening to weather alerts, animals are very smart they know the weather is coming before the weatherman talks about it.

      Love your pictures they brighten my day and the pictures of the kitty are priceless. You are owned by the cat – no one truly owns or rules a cat. They choose and kitty is a good judge of character and the cat enjoy your time together so much its evident by pictures.

    3. Oh my gosh Jim what a horrible message to send someone! Shame on you. Zip and all cats can very well take care of themselves.

  2. Wow, cant believe you’re STILL receiving nasty messages!
    You certainly don’t deserve them.
    Hope a tornado didn’t develop!
    Zip sure doesn’t look happy in that pic. Those eyes say it all!
    And hope Fanny’s hoof heals soon. She’s lucky to have Maria to care for her!
    Stay cool!

  3. Hi Jon Katz……I was just reading your book “A Dog Year”….it was so inspirational to me of what your wrote about your dog Devon and Stanley….not forgetting Julius….
    It brought me to tears reading it.
    It is amazing reading about someone like you who loves animals so much so that they are part of your family…not just animals or pets!
    A very well written book to be passed from generations to generations…..
    Thank you for that…….

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