8 July

Pantry Help For Monday, July 8th: Shells And Cheese, $6.39, Stuffing Mix, $1.98 No Rest For The Weary Here.

by Jon Katz

Thanks again for your incredible support in cleaning the Cambridge Pantry Amazon Wish List yesterday. Your efforts have brought many smiles and relief to the Pantry today.

You’ve offered your hand to the hundreds of people who come to the pantry. You’ve given them a sense that they do matter, after all. You’ve given discouraged and frightened people something to take home and smile about.

There is little time to boast in this business, and life continues.

Sarah sent two more requests for food that were almost impossible to keep in stock. I looked at this list today, and these items are also inexpensive: shells, cheese, and stuffing mix.

I’ve got five or six dollars hanging around; I’ll put them to good use.

Sarah and I would be immensely grateful if you could take a moment to browse the new wish list, which was updated this morning. Your support is invaluable. Every bit helps, no matter how small.

The links for the two items in urgent need today are below:

Stuffing Mix, Chicken Flavor, 6 Oz,  $198.

Velveeta Shells & Cheese, Saude Meal (3 Ct Pack, 12 Oz Boxes),  $6.39.

For Sarah and the volunteers, there is no end to the work and planning they need to do. Sarah gets one day off a week but always seems to be working. There is no rest at this non-profit. Eating is something people need to do every day.

Pastor Jim Cramer, head of the Cambridge Pantry Board.

We have lifted her spirits and the growing number of working-class people who cannot afford the high prices of food at supermarkets. Morale matters. This has been good for me. We all need a way to feel good and enrich our humanity.

I am sure we can keep it up. It’s a powerful antidote to hate and despair. Thanks again.

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