8 July

Beautiful (Warm) Morning At Bedlam Farm, Monday, July 8. Maria Slings Manure, Zip Has A New Man Cave, Sheep Shade One Another, Just Another Day

by Jon Katz

Another warm and humid day. Spring lasted a couple of days. We are luckier than many. I’m thinking of the people in Florida getting destroyed again. More later. It is cooler in the morning, though, and we both get up early to walk around the farm, check on animals, and take our photos and videos. I realized that I was missing a lot of the feeling and beauty of the farm by waiting until later in the day, when I also go out, often in my bathrobe.

(This photo speaks of heat.)

Zip is a genius at drawing attention and being part of whatever happens. We’ve been bringing wood out to our pagan celebrations of daylight. Zip has made the sood pile his new cave, watching the world and peering out, perhaps hoping to catch a mouse. Could you come along for the walk? This is a beautiful place, no matter the weather. The animals all tell their own stories. I hope to get to the Mansion this morning for my meditation class.

Zip, always a good and eager poser, has found a new cat cave underneath our burn pile in the pasture. He has many hiding and cooling places.

Portrait, Maria cleaning up the Pole Barn.

I am giving shade to one another in the heat.

Asher is scratching an itch.

Talking with Robin.

We were standing still in the heat.

Maria’s garden.



  1. The photo of Maria cleaning up the Pole Barn is one of the very best you have taken. It’s lovely.

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