4 July

Beautiful Morning At Bedlam Farm: Zip Steals The Show. Happy Fourth Of July, As Unnerving As Our Country Has Been

by Jon Katz

The morning was beautiful. It’s a hot and muggy day, but nothing like the heat that hit a week ago. The South is getting hit very hard. I see that conspiracy Christians (yes, they are on both sides) are writing on social media that the heat waves afflicting Texas and the South are Jesus’s way of punishing the red states for their new interpretation of compassion and empathy. If Jesus does return, perhaps he can persuade us to be a kinder and gentler nation and maybe slay the conspiracy theorists or ban them from civilization.

I’m sure so-called Christians in the heat states are blaming poor Joe Biden for the heat; he has enough trouble at the moment.

On July Fourth, I’m eager to see how my country deals with all of the challenges to our Constitution and way of life. Everyone claims God is on their side, not me; we must sort this out ourselves. If he exists, he must be crying in his soup.

Lulu likes to graze in the shade of the solar panel, old and new together.


The four baby sparrows in the roost are getting restless, just a few days away from flying.



She is letting the animals out to graze.



Zip was everywhere we went this morning, showing off, dying for attention. We were too busy.


He knows where to go for attention. He rolled around until he got his neck scratched.

Out grazing in the cool morning breezes.



Fanny had a rough abscess that we popped yesterday; there was a lot of blood, antibiotics, limping, and bandages. As usual, she took the bandages off last night and was moving around slowly but with her feet on the ground. She was in much pain yesterday, but she looks good today.


  1. I’m a so-called “Christian ” in the south, and it’s hot as hell. It’s God’s way of saying, try to get it right or get used to the temperature.

  2. Jon,
    I can’t thank you and Maria enough for the incredibly beautiful photos/videos of your farm. My fantasy
    has always been to live on a farm. However, the reality is that farm life is very hard with no guarantees of return for your hard work. I thank you for sharing your life. I pray God’s blessings on you and your beautiful animals.

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