2 July

Flower Art. I Wanted To Put Up Older Flower Photos But Couldn’t. I Did Heroically Save My Leica Mirrorless Camera. A Medal?Lovely.

by Jon Katz

I meant to capture my evolution as a flower photographer by posting photos from six months or a year ago to show the changes. But I couldn’t. I just didn’t really like most of them; they were nothing like my photos now. How strange.

In other news, I was a camera hero today. I was out as usual, walking in slick house shoes and my bathrobe, taking early morning photos when I slipped in a wet hill, stepped in fresh manure, and toppled right over. As I fell – and I fell quickly – I rolled over on my side, and my cumbersome camera landed on top of me, slimy manure and all.

I smelled and sustained some wounds to the knee and side, but as I fell, I remember thinking, “Thank God I got insurance, but will it cover falling on a hide in manure?”  I took a shower and painstakingly picked the manure off of my camera. It had a big, heavy lens, which landed with a thud and probably helped me tip over.

Anyway, it worked out; the camera and photographer are well, and I don’t want to put older photos up; I want to post better ones. There’s a lesson in my fall, but I need clarification on what it is.

I did briefly think that I was some kind of hero and deserved some kind of medal, but I won’t be holding my breath.

Maria came running over and helped me stand up. She was shoveling manure then, and I thought, how nice—we both smelled alike. See you tomorrow morning after my Zoom Meeting.

Signing Off. These photos were all taken today in my raised garden beds.






This one was not taken today but three weeks ago.




  1. Even though it smelled, manure was soft, I think? I’ve just been reading about a man about 70 years old, falling in his bathroom and sustaining multiple bone breaks. Congratulations on sustaining a fall without a single bone break PLUS guarding and saving your camera. How frugal, how successful!

    1. On a farm you fall all the time, winter and summer..I’ve fallen a hundred times on these farms, haven’t broken anything yet, I fall well…

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