30 June

Beautiful Morning, Bedlam Farm, Sunday, June 30, 2024. What I Learned From My”Yay-Jon” Day Saturday.

by Jon Katz

I had some important revelations yesterday during my “Yay-Jon” day. I want to share them with you, my fellow travelers on this Hero Journey that never seems to reach the end.

It is a hot, humid Sunday, with some ugly storms predicted for later. Still, the farm never fails to be beautiful and lift me up when I get up in the Morning. I had a brief but unnerving heart scare. I’m okay, and I’m seeing my cardiologist next week. It looks like one medicine is colliding with another.

Life goes on.


(Maria knows how to talk with animals. They all understand now that if they stay calm and patient, they will each get a piece of bread or something good every morning)

The images this morning speak for themselves, really; they are such an integral part of life here in this magical place we call home: Maria opening the gates for the sheep and donkeys, brushing Lulu and Fanny, giving out fresh garbage to the sheep and hens, and the garden beds beginning to catch my eye and show their beauty.

Today will be another “Yay-Jon” Day in which I take a break from years of acknowledging and accepting my flaws and taking the time to appreciate the good things in and about me. They could also use some attention. I’ve spent a lot of time studying what was wrong with me. It was good to think about the things that are right with me.

I loved yesterday when I took the time to figure out what I liked about myself. The term “Yay-Jon Day” came from someone taunting me for not posting a cruel message on my blog message site. I deleted it. It turned out my “Yay-Jon Day” was a great and affirming idea.


(Zip is waiting for me every morning on my “Good Morning Tour.”)

It was a nice list. I recommend having a “Yay-Me” day to others; it’s a perfect thing to do on a Sunday. The world offers us so many things to feel bad about that we forget the good things in ourselves and the world around us. They need some attention, at least for me.

Some troll came into my blog, my online home, and called me some ugly names. I wrote her this, a perfect anthem for “Yay Jon” day:  “Dear Sally, I consider my blog my online home, and I think you are an aggressive home invader who means me harm, another digital thug. Go away and do not ever come back again.

Yesterday, I also celebrated my new idea about online hostility: “Delete-An-Asshole Program,” another way to do good.

Wow, did that feel good! It isn’t about the troll. It’s about me. Like the others, hate makes me strong if I don’t reciprocate—a huge life lesson.

She did go away and was not and is not brave enough to return, and I felt good about my “Yay-Jon” day for that and other reasons. It’s my house, and I have the right to be treated with dignity and civility. Otherwise, get out and stay out. I pray more and more people do that to bring about a kindler and gentler country.

I’m going to have another one today. Maria liked the idea; she would join me on a “Yay-Maria” day. She has a lot of good things about her to celebrate and think about.  I recommend the idea to everyone. We’re skipping the Farmer’s Market today; we have everything we need for now, and I have things to say and a place to tell them. How good is that?



In Maria’s garden.

Brushing Fanny, Lulu is waiting behind.


The hens love stale bread. We have a lot of it.

Grazing by the solar panels, something about it lifts my heart.


  1. Oh Jon, you have so much good within you. I am glad you are finally realizing it. Your beautiful photos lend serenity to our anxious world. Happy Yay Jon Days –andmany many more.
    Love always, Cynthia and Roo

  2. I have kind of the same day but I call it Toot-Your-Own- Horn day. I learned a long time ago that it is okay to be proud of the accomplishments you do (whether small or big). If you do something and feel good about it, it is okay to share that with others. It is not conceit or narcissism but I feel it is sharing how good I feel with others. The real friends I have understand this and don’t make me feel bad for feeling this way. The others are not real friends and I just don’t need them in my life.

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