29 June

Bedlam Farm Morning, Rain And Shine. Join Us. I’m Declaring A “Yay-Jon” Day

by Jon Katz

A few months ago, just before my “Delete Nasty Posts Epiphany,” a blog reader was angry with me because I refused to post a nasty message suggesting I had Dementia.

After all, I misspelled the name of Calla Flowers and switched the names of Bud and Zip, a capital offense for the Social Media Police.

This was during the Dyslexia assaults, which have mysteriously mostly vanished. My disgruntled reader wrote that I only wanted to post approving messages; I wanted only a “Yay-Jon” blog. This sparked another revelation. Of course, I did, silly; what kind of fool would like a blog full of assaults and cruelty that he was publishing and paying for?

Finally, after years of struggle and diddling, I began my Delete-An-Asshole program (I love it and recommend it highly).  It was a good decision. I also got an AI editing program, and almost all the typos have vanished. Hmmm…..

I have been happy, my anger has mostly dissipated,  and the blog has gotten better, more focused, and more robust. It is becoming the safe place I always wanted it to be. I had to get past the trolls to figure this out. Many disagree with me daily, which is fine, but the social media nasties have disappeared.

I love the idea of “Yay-Jon Day” so much that I’ve decided to declare one today. It will be a day to meditate, read, think, and swim in silence, something I have come to love and need amidst all the noise of our society. Who is better to launch a “Yay-Jon Day” than Jon? I mostly like myself these days.

I want and need a non-religious Sabbath, a day of reflection and, hopefully, growth. I will put up my Flower Art photos around dusk; otherwise, I will keep my mouth shut and reflect on the other remaining parts of me—there are many—that can be improved upon.

I can’t skip a Flower Art post; I promised to put up my flower photos every night I could. So far, so good.

First, I’m going out to buy more blueberries; they will be available longer. Maria and I crave some silence and a Yay-Jon day of silence.


Fanny grazing, the sun peeked out.


Birds singing in the rain.


The sun made a brief appearance on the Nastirtiums.


Rain on the mountains.



Garden bed in the rain.

Zip in the apple tree, holding court. He knows how to pose.  Photo by Maria


Asher grazing.


  1. great commentary…….get rid of those trolls in the first place! yay!
    stunning fotos of a rainy day on Bedlam farm………………………………love!
    sincerely, donna

  2. Yay Jon… have a quiet, peaceful day. Sending light and love. I look forward to your photos every day

  3. love you calling it *Delete an A-hole* program! Yes! A Yay-Jon Day……..(a sabbath day) is perfect….and we all need one…..yet probably don’t do it often enough. Good for you, it is much deserved. I think my favorite photo in this post is the rain on your distant Vermont mountains…..just gorgeous. Almost reminds me of Hawaii (I was only there once 30 years ago for a brief holiday)……but similar sky and color palette
    Susan M

    1. Thanks, Susan; I love your messages; they always make me smile and lift me up. I’m grateful for your presence here…

  4. Full disclosure: I made a living, and pension, being an editor.
    A while back there was a commenter that said he’d never hire you because you lacked spelling skills, making you not a team player. He worked in Hollywood and he was a big deal For real, this kept me up at night! Actually a couple nights. Talk about throwing a baby out with the bathwater! You had a masterful rebuttal, but what a hostile working environment he braggs about creating for his employees. So relieved I’m now retired and won’t have to have that in my work life. He literally gave me nightmares!

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