28 June

Seeking Help For The Blog, And All It Does

by Jon Katz

One of the reasons I identify so closely with the people who seek help at the Food Pantry here is that I am experiencing what it is like to see the price of everything shooting up while the money in my bank account shrinks.

It’s a perpetual raise to keep one’s head above water. So, it’s time I asked for blog support.

I’m not alone regarding the cost of things, but I hate asking for money while trying to raise money for other things. It’s that time of the month, actually longer than that.

I don’t want to be a cause but a solution. Still, the truth is I depend on your blog support to keep it going. It’s the end of the month, and the bills keep coming. I gave up royalties and fat payment checks some years ago.

This isn’t charity to me, but the payback for the 24/7 work I do writing on the blog, sharing stories of the Mansion, refugee kids, and the food pantry, and taking those flower photos that seem to be getting increasingly popular.

We help a lot of people, and the blog is at the heart of it. It makes all the good work of the Army Of Good possible.

I have the right to want to be compensated for my work in whatever way is possible. The donkeys, sheep, and chickens (dogs and cats) must also eat. It took me a long time to do that; it was the right choice.

The blog and the photos will always be free, donations or not. People suggest I’m crazy for doing this, but it feels right and will remain my policy. My readers always seem to come through when they can, and thanks for that. The photos are a gift in return.

Donations are welcome but are also understandably slowing in the face of rising costs. Still, the blog can’t function without the support that has sustained it for some years. I thank the people who constantly think of me and help.

I intend to publish the blog, which is getting better all the time, to the end, which will not hopefully come for a while.

Photography is an expensive passion. I take pictures every day and intend to keep on doing so, and I will put up the ones I don’t post in the summer for the winter. I have had to scour for used lenses to improve my photographs, etc., and am hanging in there.

The farm itself has had some challenges this year—the rooftop, the septic, and now, the sills for the base of the barn. They are rotting, and we can’t afford to let that spread.

This isn’t just my story but everyone’s story.

I’m not complaining. I chose this life with Maria, and I love it. No one can predict things like inflation or climate change. I’m proud of the costs I have radically reduced. I know I can grow and survive. But I do need help. I am learning how to manage money well.

I am thrilled with my photos, but getting those cameras and lenses, taking those classes, and spending hours working on them is costly. I love them, but they are sure not easy. They are all free, and they will stay that way.

I don’t mark or copyright my photos; you can use them however you wish. I’m flattered that many people use them for still-life paintings.

But if you also enjoy the pictures and posts,  as my e-mail suggests, please think about helping.  You can help here via Paypal, [email protected] or Venmo, Jon Katz@Jon-Katz-13 or by mail, Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816

On top of all that, the cost of the blog continues to rise, although slowly. We need more firewood for the winter. We’ve cut back the law by twice a month, etc.

We need to do some work on the

You all know the story. I don’t want to take any money away from hungry children and their families, but if you enjoy or appreciate my work, please consider contributing to the blog.

You can do this in several ways: monthly, annually, in single donations of any size via PayPal, [email protected] or Venmo, Jon Katz@Jon-Katz-13. Small and large donations are welcome and would be helpful. You can read about it on the Blog Support Page.

You can also send checks to Jon Katz, Blog Support, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

These are challenging times for everyone, and I appreciate that. If you can help, I would be grateful; if not, I understand. The blog is getting stronger and closer to my vision of it – a safe and calm place with pictures that all tell a story.

And now there’s Zip, a photogenic cat of our town.

My photography has added a new and exciting element to the blog; I work on it daily and approve it constantly. Thanks for supporting me. We are doing some real good, a valuable thing in our country.

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