28 June

Notes From The Art Room, Number 9, By Sue Silverstein

by Jon Katz
Note: Sue Silverstein is the art teacher at Bishop Gibbons High School in Schenectady, New York. She writes a weekly column here about her students’ extraordinary work in their unique classes. She will be here every Friday, and it is a blessing to know her and read about her work here. Her program is remarkable and a powerful answer to whether our schools should teach art instead of leaving the kids to TikTok or Instagram to find outlets for their creativity. – Jon
 Notes from the Art Room 9
Yesterday was the last faculty meeting of the school year. There is always this sense of “I did this!” at the end of the year. The funny thing was that the meeting was packed with exciting new plans and ideas for next year. The summer months go fast, and we will work to get ready to be even better next year!
 There are a couple of exciting new classes for the art program in the development stages. I will keep you posted this summer! 3D Design and Sculpture will grow to add a set design component. The annual musical returned to NDBG last year after a COVID break. What a joyful thing! So many ideas! If anyone loves to make costumes or has set design experience, please feel free to email me with suggestions and ideas. It’s too early to release the musical, but it is a fun show!
I am looking forward to creating fantastic scenery with the students.
The Photography and Media Arts course will also take on a fresh look, inspired by many of the art room’s creations this year. The class will now be The Art and Photography of Food. Such fun! We will study advertising photography and also add a cooking and decorating component. Students will learn about food preparation and presentation. We will also do some cake decorating and hold a community service event that I used to do at BMHS.
We plan to hold a Cupcake Wars competition and a community bake sale once a year. All proceeds will be donated to fight hunger in our world. We would very much appreciate anyone with specialty cake-decorating equipment who wants to find a new home. It is going to be a busy year!
Beth and Rich Jones and Patricia Graham’s mom, Patricia Graham, from Vermont, have offered to drive to NDBG next month to bring a wonderful donation of jewelry supplies from Patricia! Patricia recently moved and generously provided to rehome her supplies with us! Thank you so much to all of you!
The painting is by 10th-grade Tolu, Folasade’s younger sister. She completed her first year of college with help from the Army of Good members!
There are a couple of big flea markets this weekend, and I will be there for sure! I always look for wood, wood scraps, hot glue sticks and glue guns, window shades and shutters, Chinese cups, and glassware, paint, canvas, jewelry, and anything else you think would make something beautiful. I appreciate the notes and emails; they make me smile daily!
Most of all, I appreciate all of you!
Have a blessed week.
2600 Albany Street
 Schenectady, New York 1234


  1. At the school where I worked for 40 years (just retired!) our Preschool always presented The Incredible, Almost Edible Clay Food Show. Every child would bring a TV tray and set up the “food” they created. From tablecloths to placemats to china plates and other items, the children proudly displayed their clay food. Trays were set up in the hallways for a week or two. Try something along those lines!!!

  2. Beautiful creations! Love the hummingbird. I have more items to send along, I may also have baking/decorating supplies. Have to check what I have left as I recently gave much to a co-worker for her young daughters aspirations.

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