27 June

Flower Art, Lilies Of The Field, A Study In Glory And History

by Jon Katz

Today, I re-discovered the Lily, a flower I paid little attention to when it popped up every year in Maria’s garden. I dug out Tchaikovsky’s famous poem about lilies and was moved to share the ending:

“Will my soul, heeding its command, soundlessly soar?

No answer! Be silent, my restless mind. You cannot guess what eternity holds for us, But like all of nature, drawn by our thirst to live, We call to you and wait for Beautiful Spring! The joys of earth are so near to us, so familiar – The yawning maw of the grave so dark!

I’m in my fourth week of testing the now-famous medicine Ozentric, famous for helping diabetics avoid strokes and heart attacks and helping others lose weight. It’s a vital medication, and it has some severe side effects.

I’ve had some – stomach and gastrointestinal stuff and severe dehydration without a lot of water. The first couple weeks were uncomfortable; my body is getting used to it. I want to stay on it.

As usual, I’m signing off with my flower art, with more to come. Thanks for your very kind words about my pictures. They have given me the strength to keep learning and experimenting. I’m still going ahead with it.


Few flowers are as pure and uplifting as this one.

Poets have always loved the Lily.

I fell into this this morning. The lily is so deep and warm that I could almost fall into it.


Today, I discovered Yarrows.


It is a favorite of the sun, even a relation.

The color of the Lily is powerful and beautiful.

I just discovered Yarrows,  and you’ll hear more about them from me tomorrow. They have a long and rich history with the devil.



  1. Alas, that is not a true lily. but a Hemerocallis which goes by the name of day lily as the individual flowers only last a day (one of my favorite flowers). Many flowers are commonly called lilies as they may look like a true lily but are not. Hence confusion if there is not a picture of the flower to accompany the words. Sorry, the horticulturalist comes out when I see something like this as I have spent many years answering peoples garden questions guessing what flower someone is talking about when they use common names as many plants are called by the same common name. Jon, I know you don’t particularly care, but perhaps some of your audience may. Wonderful pictures!

    1. Thanks Marianna, for the message. I suppose I should care, but I can’t say I do. It is good to know, my neighbor who is a Florist, disagrees with you, but that’s not an argument for me..I do thank you for the note.

  2. Jon, your flower photography journey has taken you into ever more beautiful realms of photography! I applaud all the new experimenting and learning. And what a joy for us to be the beneficiaries!! Thank you…

  3. To me these photos allow us to transcend the human created definitions – they bring us to a whole other level of the color , energy, and personality of the flowers , both singly and in groups. My own words can’t possibly give these portraits justice, but I can say that for me , they touch the spiritual. The readers who are moved to know exactly what the flowers are have plenty of lovely garden books and websites to visit.

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