25 June

Blog Posts: What They Say

by Jon Katz

I’m going to post exciting blog posts several times a week.  I’m weary of the rude and pompous. This is a safe zone. People can agree or disagree with me, but no hate messages, insults, rudeness, or anger. I post the ones that seem thoughtful to me, not hostile. We need to remember how to communicate civilly on social media. We can do that here.


On garden lurkers or parasites (like me)

Barbara: I love the term “garden predator.” I’m one of those, too.


On loving dogs and cats too much: Karla:

Jon, that is a well-written and thoughtful post; thank you. My hubs and I will cat-sit in our home for a friend while she’s on vacation for ten days. She didn’t want the cat left alone in her home, with us coming once or twice a day, you know because the cat would be “sad and lonely. ” (No, SHE would be sad.) She brought the cat over last week to introduce her to us, and the LIST she does for this cat made me shake my head. I have a pet-sitting business and have scaled down for whom I sit to weed out those who think their animals are 4-legged people and want me to treat them like children. I believe it’s a disservice to an animal to treat it as if it were human. You are making them what YOU want them to be. That is the definition of selfish.


  1. Way back when, I picked up copies of the ‘Surburban Detective’ series and they were wonderfully entertaining! I was a Labor and Delivery RN at the time and loved having something light and funny to read myself to sleep.
    I also read your book(s?) about Bedlam Farm and working your sheep-herding dogs even during a blizzard! Terribly impressed, I knew I didn’t have the fortitude for that.
    I have old and dear friends in W. Rutland and look forward to occasional visits there: Already experienced mud season, black fly season, 25-year snowstorm, and of course leaf-peeping season.
    I’m also a knitter and appreciate reading about Maria’s new projects!

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