24 June

Good Morning From Bedlam Farm: A Beautiful Day Again, Old Bagels, Happy Garden Beds

by Jon Katz

I’m glad the heat wave is receding. It’s a beautiful morning again. I can breathe, walk freely outside in my bathrobe, and catch the beauty and warmth of our farm.

We are off Columbia County to take our wool to the new knitting mill. The mill is on the same road we live on, just 90 minutes straight South.

We’ll be gone all morning on one of our favorite rituals, and Maria loves figuring out how the wool can be transformed into beautiful yarn, roving,  dry balls, and even carpeting.

Stay tuned. Here are the morning photos. Starting the day is a nice feeling here; it always manages to be beautiful. My garden bed is wonderfully coming to life. It’s great to have it back.


In the garden bed.


Begonias in my garden.

Maria regularly stops at the food co-op to pick up free stale bread and old bagels, which she gives to the chickens every morning. They love her.


Out of the heat and fog cone, our landscape has returned. The blue skies are close.



  1. Jon, Your raised beds are lovely…not only the flowers that are growing in them, but the structure of the beds is beautiful as well.

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