23 June

Flower Art, Sunday, June 29, 2024: New Horizons, Wild Flowers, Renegade White Hydrangeas, A New Way To Dream

by Jon Katz

Wildflowers mix wonderfully with cut flowers, and much of my experimentation this week has been to try to capture that interaction. They are all part of the same community and work well together, each with a different message. The Wildflowers have a simplicity and authenticity that I am coming to love. The cut flowers make beautiful backdrops.

I’m signing off tonight, but I’m deeply hooked on Coin Colm’s wonderful novel Brooklyn. I can’t stop reading it. In the morning, we are off to take Maria’s wool to be turned into yarn. It’s one of the richest Bedlam Farm traditions.

The sequel, Long Island, is just out and on my table.

I’ll be gone in the morning. See you after lunch. It’s supposed to begin cooling, which is a good thing. I did have fun with my photos this week. I’m grateful for my photography and dream of getting another macro lens. I can’t afford it now, but perhaps next year. Despite the heat, I’ve had a beautiful weekend.

I cherish my time with Maria; we never tire of one another. I love the work we are doing with the Cambridge Food Pantry. She is very happy with her new sewing machine and has many wonderful ideas about what to make. Stay tuned. Maria made the most wonderful Cucumber Soup; we’re having some for dinner.

Next week, I’ll be back with my meditation class at the Mansion. Good night to you, see you tomorrow.


The delicacy of the wildflower always feels like a guest at a party.

Purple is a beautiful color to go with pure white.

I always look for a light at the center of a flower; they are all about color and light.

A guardian flower.



The blue flowers are not much bigger than ants. But they seem to carry a lot of power.

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