21 June

Notes From The Art Room, By Sue Silverstein

by Jon Katz
Sue Silverstein is a brilliant art teacher at Bishop Gibbons High School in Schenectady, New York. Her art program is the envy of art teachers everywhere, and her students are walking evidence of the need and value of art education. They happily give up TikTok for art class. If anyone I know is headed for Sainthood, Sue would be the one. She gives every inch of herself to her lucky students. It is a great honor to have her writing this column every Friday, and thanks to the Army Of Good for giving her the things she needs to help her students make wonderful art. Thanks, Sue – Jon Katz.
A wonderful couple, the Hammers, delivered a literal carload of treasures earlier today from Bonnie—frames, jewelry, scarves, and so much more! I am so thankful to people who go out of their way to mail or drop off supplies and other treats for the ND-BG students. I am grateful to people like Florence who send healthy snacks. I wish to thank everyone who helps us keep kids healthy and happy. There need to be more words.
I am adding some things to the list of items we seek! For anyone who would like to send or drop off glassware, the fancier, the better, but honestly, it’s just glass dishes, cups, and glasses. This morning, I was out walking early; that was my thinking time. Someone had a whole box of Christmas wine glasses marked “free stuff” on the curb. Of course I did; I must bring a shopping bag on my morning walks now that it is yard sale season. “Excuse me, I’m an Art Teacher. Do you mind if I take those wood scraps?” Every Monday, when I get to school, my trunk is complete.
 This year’s most popular projects were different from past years, and I assume the same will be true next year. You never know! This year, it was all about ice cream, cake, and jewelry creations. Next year, my studio class will be full of kids with incredible drawing and painting skills. I am excited to have them again!
As the year winds down, I am cleaning, sorting, and creating new workspaces for next year. I wanted to do things this year that I needed more time for. First up in the Fall: painted shutters and shades. I have been collecting them all year and hope to have enough for the class by then. I love flea markets, too!
The students write the sweetest letters, and at the end of the year, I have a box with 26 years’ worth of my favorites. It means so much when a student says something nice about a project or class. It is one of the reasons all teachers do what we do, even in June, when it’s 98 degrees and humid, and the kids are hot and cranky.
 I am always looking for wood, wood scraps, hot glue sticks and glue guns, window shades and shutters, China cups, and glassware. Paint, canvas, jewelry, and anything else you think would make something beautiful. I appreciate the notes and emails! They make me smile daily! Most of all, I appreciate all of you! Have a blessed week. Sue
2600 Albany Street
Schenectady, New York 12345

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