21 June

Maria’s New Sewing Machine: The Joy Of The Creative Tool. The Happy Artist

by Jon Katz


Fate approves.


  1. thank you for sharing. Love the design with Zip on the couch. Never thought of trying to embroidery with a single needle machine.

  2. Interesting what Maria said about how with her other machines she could not get the free motion sewing she wanted! I need to revisit a project now that I have other machines. Thank you for that video 🙂

  3. Wow, it takes skill to do it so beautifully like Maria! Interesting how she said the machine is the pencil, and the fabric is the paper, I would’ve never thought of it that way. I love how Maria can make a drawing come to life! You two are so cute together, too. I hear the reporter in you, Jon, in your questions, and Maria is so animated answering you. Loved this!

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