20 June

Yes! The Army Of Good Strikes Again. The Entire Wish List Was Bought Out, Every Item Going Back On The Shelves. Blessings To You All. Maria’s Potholders Join The Fray

by Jon Katz

Last week, the Cambridge Food Pantry was just about overwhelmed by families coming to look for help feeding themselves. Some were worried about the heat wave heading our way.

Dictor Sarah Harrington asked for help, and instead of just browsing the list, which is updated daily, we decided to take action. We bought out the items, ensuring that the pantry’s customers not only get the food they need to survive but also the food they love and want.

Your support has a direct and significant impact on the operations of the food pantry, making a real difference in the lives of those in need.

While this new support has been a tremendous help, the reality is that the need is ongoing and growing. The pantry is committed to assisting all who come,  and your continued support is crucial. We may be limited in what we can do, but by choosing our battles wisely and not turning away, we can make a significant difference.

The entire list sold out overnight.  Maria baptized her new sewing machine by making a tea potholder, selling it, and buying tea for the pantry.

The pantry is deeply grateful for your support. Your support is not just a contribution. It’s a lifeline for the pantry and those who rely on it.

As we continue our efforts to help, we still need specific items for these embattled people.  They appreciate you.

The next wave of people is coming on Saturday.

So, I’m getting back to work and asking for assistance in acquiring Diapers Size 6 and Hand soap, two of the most crucial items on the new Wish List. It will be back up on the Wish List this afternoon. The pantry’s need never stops; it sometimes has to catch its breath, and your help keeps it functioning well consistently.

We can do this.  We are doing it. I bow to you.

(Maria’s Tea Potholder, the first of which was created on her new sewing machine. A great way to christen her Singer.)

Maria got the new sewing machine yesterday and wondered what to make with it first. When she heard that nobody was buying tea off of the Amazon Cambridge Pantry Wish List, she jumped at it and decided to make a tea potholder on her new machine and charge half of the usual price for a potholder.

People jumped on it immediately; in return, she purchased a tea box on the Wish List. I gather it’s on the way, along with many others.

You can read about it here on her blog.

Thanks to Gail from Florida for being the first to buy the potholder for $19.99 plus shipping (she usually charges $30.). She said it reminded her of brewing tea with her Irish neighbors. Thanks, Gail, and to the others who asked, but it was too late. Maria’s art rarely hangs around for too long.

Gail gets a crafted potholder, and the pantry gets some tea. Maria gets to welcome her sewing machine ideally.

The Wish List is empty now, a testament to you all,  but not for long.

More and more people need food to feed their families, and Sarah has to work harder and harder to keep the best foods coming in. To her credit, she is keeping up with it.

Helping the needy is God’s work, and it is not expensive. I don’t know if there is a heaven, but we will all be rewarded here on earth; doing good is sacred until itself.

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