20 June

Flower Art In Defiance Of Cones, And Politicians. Color And Light. And Hope.

by Jon Katz

We’re ending the three-day now infamous heat zone; after years of ignoring Mother Nature, we are now demonizing her, turning the weather into an unrelenting enemy. I have nothing but empathy for all of the many people who have lost their homes and savings,

It is hard to imagine anyone denying climate change; I dreamt the other night of all those people in the South and Southwest who lost their homes, cars, and even their towns in tornadoes and floods.

They are only news for a day again, and then we move on to warring politicians. I am so grateful for Maria, the farm, my work, the pantry, my pictures, dogs, and animals. My flower photos keep me grounded, and I hope they help others.

Flowers have more magic and power than I ever imagined, and I am grateful for the opportunity to capture their spirits.

We have a friend coming over to celebrate the end of the heat wave, and I know we haven’t suffered as many have, but the heat did get to me; I’d be lying if I denied it. It’s the hottest it has ever been in my life up here. I’m signing off and am eager for tomorrow. It will all be warm and humid but much better.

I hope you are all safe and comfortable. I am thinking of those who are not. My pictures are free to use in any way you wish. I think these flowers need no explanation from me. Each one touched me in different ways. Please enjoy them. See you in the morning.











To peace and hope.


  1. Jon, stunning flower photos! I can’t tell you how many times that I’ve gasped at the beautiful flower photos. You truly have an eye for taking pictures of flowers.
    You’ve grown in the past year in so many ways.

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