19 June

Flower Art, Emotions, Emotions…Bedlam Farm Journal, Wednesdays, June 19, 2024. Pantry Supper – We’re Halfway There.

by Jon Katz

I’m signing off. See you in the morning. I’ve got to make dinner for Maria, who will be home soon from belly dancing.

Flowers are all about emotions for me. I’m no gardener and have not grown up loving flowers. I never really paid attention to them; I was too busy being unhappy and successful. They mean a lot to them. I talk to them, hear them, and feel them differently. I don’t have the words for that yet, but I will one day.

Photography helped me to see the world anew.

It’s what I do—a full, busy, warm, and meaningful day. My photography led me to flowers, which are changing my life daily.

Today, I’m painting a mix of colors, wildflowers, and a handful of cut flowers. They dance well together. I’m signing out; see you in the morning. I’m planning a tranquil day. I need to stay out of the sun.

(Please help Cambridge Pandry replenish the 14 foods (now down to seven) taken off the shelves on a big, busy day last week. We are trying to replace every one of the 14 Wish List items; we are halfway there. Nobody bought tea or potatoes, but they are essential and still needed. You can find the details here. We are halfway there. Thanks for your help.)

Here, I think the words speak for themselves, softly and loudly.






  1. All of today’s photos reminded me of Georgia O’Keefe paintings…especially the first one! Well done, Jon! Your artistic eye keeps on improving!
    Hugs to Maria, she is a lucky woman to have you in her life ☺️

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